Example sentences of "and the [noun] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On either side was a revolving brush , and the bottles had to be thrust onto these and held firmly in place for about five seconds .
2 It is not easy to find enough foster parents to care for very difficult children ; all too often fostering breaks down and the child has to be returned again to the reception centre .
3 Four weeks later at Avus he was back behind the controls , even through he hobbled to his car on crutches and had to be lifted into the cockpit and the pedals had to be modified because he could use only one foot .
4 But with anything less than a gale the house filled with smoke and the door had to be opened .
5 As in my landscapes , I work quickly and the portrait has to be completed in one sitting .
6 However , close examination of the external stonework , only possible when scaffolding had been erected , revealed the extent of necessary repairs had been underestimated , and the contract had to be extended to June 1991 .
7 Oesophagitis was still present at the second endoscopy in three patients and the treatment had to be continued for a further four to six weeks , when a third endoscopy confirmed complete healing .
8 " … over backwards to accommodate you , but it really does look , I 'm afraid , as though this incident with the canal and the cat has to be just about the last straw , ah Steve , I understand from Mr Ashton here — " Smith nodded at the older man , who pursed his lips and nodded back , " — that Mr ah …
9 In group A the Paper Tigers with their amazing bouncing ball have lifted their rounders difference to great heights while Dr Blobby and the Blobettes have at last picked up some points from a game , which means that all teams this year have managed to win at least one point .
10 The relationship between the party and the government had to be completely overhauled , Mr Modrow urged .
11 Grappelli claimed they acted without reference to him , and the concerts had to be cancelled .
12 As economists would say , the case involves a bilateral monopoly , since the plaintiff has to ‘ sell ’ his claim to one potential buyer — the insurer — and the insurer has to ‘ buy ’ the claim from only one potential seller — the plaintiff . ’
13 Power is lacking , and the user has to be patient to get results , but it is difficult to complain for the average selling price of just over £60 .
14 Assembling slaves required capital , or at least credit , to get started , and the slaves had to be trained and had to be watched in case they rebelled .
15 But the Duke of Norfolk wanted £72,000 for it — rather more than £2 million in today 's currency — and the money had to be raised within a month .
16 Stamp Duty is charged at one per cent , and the money has to be found up-front , so anyone buying a property costing £60,000 will save £600 , which ca n't be bad .
17 ‘ The supper , ’ Hari said , ‘ there 's meat pie in the pantry and the bread has to be cut . ’
18 A group of policemen were arrested after raiding an armoury to acquire weapons for the funeral march and the Army had to be called in to restrain demonstrating policemen who surrounded the Bir Hospital in Kathmandu and threatened medical staff for allegedly failing to give their colleagues adequate medical attention .
19 Um if you go back to the eighteenth century , early nineteenth century , you find that um I think it was at er Winchester possibly , er some some of you may have heard of this in in History or something , er there was an uprising at Winchester school and the Army had to be called in to quell the rioting pupils because they were rebelling against the harsh conditions .
20 He was a movie nut and the take-away had in its time been called : the Yangtze Incident , the World of Suzy Wong ( copyright difficulties ) and Enter the Dragon ( raided by the Drugs Squad ) .
21 The country 's most popular horse race was reduced to a shambles last April when 30 riders failed to realise that a second false start had been called and the event had to be declared void .
22 They have the talent to make an impact but the game has to be right and the circumstances have to be right to bring them in .
23 B. The mine owners found that the cost of pumping water was expensive , particularly when the easiest deposits near the surface had been extracted and the mines had to be sunk deeper .
24 Six months of painstaking work goes into preparing plants for showing … the plants have to be tied up to keep the stems straight … aphids must be brushed gently off the leaves … and the orchids have to be misted regularly to keep up the humidity .
25 However , there is no reference to a requirement of ‘ suddenness ’ in the Homicide Act 1957 , and the courts have in effect restricted the defence to people with certain kinds of temperament .
26 Handling of the wounded tissue has to be very gentle and non-traumatic and the knot has to be placed tension-free .
27 Section 123(1) of the Insolvency Act 1986 provides that a company is deemed unable to pay its debts if a creditor ( by assignment or otherwise ) to whom the company is indebted in a sum exceeding £750 then due has served on the company , by leaving it at the company 's registered office , a written demand ( in the prescribed form ) requiring the company to pay the sum so due and the company has for three weeks thereafter neglected to pay the sum or to secure or compound for it to the reasonable satisfaction of the creditor .
28 a creditor for more than £750 has served on the company a demand for the sum due , and the company has for three weeks failed to pay the debt ;
29 The man accused of a West End shooting sacked his lawyer and the case had to be adjourned .
30 It included £1 million for guarding the Old Bailey jury after the first jury was nobbled and the case had to be restarted .
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