Example sentences of "and [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sorry to go on and on about this backing up business , but it 's much better to do it than to end up losing information ( and I write as someone who has done just that in the past ; of course I 'm perfect now ) .
2 You dip down the drive from the Yoxford to Peasenhall road across an ornamental bridge and on towards this plain and golden Greek Revival house .
3 They would go on and on at great speed .
4 They went through it and on into another room where there was more daylight .
5 I climbed through the Megger Stones and on to Great Coum looking down Dentdale and Deepdale .
6 His passengers were all shaken and some were thrown from their seats and on to each other . ’
7 Not only is there a great depth to the pressure for change , but it also exists on an enormously wide number of fronts — from the National Curriculum through assessment and on to open enrolment and the local management of schools and ( for some ) beyond that to grant maintained status or other ‘ exotics ’ .
8 That means that if they only take the score card then you 're in there fairly quickly do the advertising sales and come out and on to another site .
9 We have made mention in passing of mobility within the context of a family 's history : both the ups and down of social mobility according to circumstance , and the more obviously-apparent geographical moves people made to ensure their own survival or to better their lot .
10 Forward and down to either side , the maximum clear viewing area is available outlined with the cream of the 207 's primary colour .
11 out and down to another room .
12 Releasing Isabel 's face , he stepped away from her , his hard eyes raking her up and down with casual appraisal .
13 Current levels of consignment are running below budget with analysts lowering fourth quarter aggregate estimates to $460 down from previous estimates of $500 million and down on last year 's figure of $493 million .
14 and they stand there sort of bouncing up and down on this canvass thing , you know , sort of like this then she goes ooh ooh , and her bleeding leg comes up in the air
15 Below the boulevard is the river , the Gave de Pau , and on its northern bank , the railway station , with its attendant installations — you can get up and down on this side by free funicular .
16 I could just imagine my father jumping up and down on this argument , this need for meaning , for faith .
17 She walked up and down for some time , looking and sniffing , but not touching , and he waited by the door in the shadows and watched her .
18 We can not dance up and down about poor Poll ; it would not help her .
19 Far out , a sprinkling of small white birds swooped up and down in hurried flight before an ominous sky-darkening .
20 Evan points to a hoist that 's slowly lowering the band 's gear down to ground level : ‘ When we played here last year , we were riding up and down in that thing .
21 We climbed pure alpine style , which is very fast and light , and got up and down in one piece .
22 Heinrich felt possessively protective as he recognised Emily 's head in a mob cap , the rest of her splashing up and down in grey sage knickers , tunic and blouse and black stockings .
23 She looked him up and down in open disgust .
24 She tossed the missile up and down from one hand to another , trying to look menacing .
25 Spina Bifida children were encouraged to get up and down from this position .
26 However , just as Norman had got up and down from another bunker for his last round of 69 , so did Beck , firmly sinking a putt of six feet as the Australian looked on and reflected on what might have been .
27 Norman also got up and down from another bunker for a 69 and 277 , spending the next 30 minutes waiting , watching and keeping himself loose with a few twists and turns for the play-off that never happened .
28 As the morning progresses the rain will spread eastwards becoming persistent and locally heavy and will reach the eastern coastal districts of Antrim and Down by early afternoon .
29 The ancient nomes had used it as a kind of lift , but it did n't have wires — it went up and down by some force as mysterious as auntie 's gravy or whatever it was .
30 She hates parks ; it takes half an hour to get there from the flats and then the kids are put inside one lot of railings like some kind of animals and you walk up and down inside another lot and watch them .
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