Example sentences of "and [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She feels angry that the public were given so little information and were exposed to such large amounts of radiation , unable to take any precautions to protect themselves .
2 The failure to identify bed sharing as a risk factor in non-Maori children was probably due to the very small proportion of infants in this group who both shared a bed and were exposed to maternal smoking .
3 Lydia and Betty were the first to arrive and were met by two of the farm dogs — one charming , one not , like pairs of detective inspectors .
4 Most of the southern states resisted this and in one particular state one that 's sprung to prominence in recent times , the State of Arkansas er and its capital Little Rock , the then state governor , who was n't then Bill Clinton but a man called Orville Forbus defied the supreme court 's order and on a historic day in nineteen fifty four a little troupe of black children trooped up to the local high school and were met by armed , armed police and turned away .
5 Portions of the supernatants were evaporated in a vacuum oven at 40°C , dissolved in 0.05 mol/l sodium acetate buffer ( pH 6.2 ) , and were analysed for cyclic AMP by using an acetylated [ 1 2 5 I ] radioimmunoassay procedure ( New England Nuclear kit ) .
6 We ran Borneo 's uncharted rapids in Dyak canoes , dived with sharks in the rip-currents of Komodo , and were sluiced off Javanese roads in monsoon flash-floods .
7 The raids against Norway continued through the next three years , 1942–44 , and were mounted in other theatres as more raiding parties were trained .
8 Both 5-ASA and Ac-ASA were kindly supplied by Pharmacia AB , Uppsala , Sweden , and were prepared as neutral solutions .
9 Nos. 345 , 346 and 347 ( 1E-3E ) survived until the Crystal Palace route closed and were delicensed on 14 February 1936. 349 ( 5E or 17E ? ) remained available for service at Erith and with that system 's own cars was transferred to Abbey Wood depôt , where it was delicensed on 28 March 1935 .
10 Thus , Nos. 4E and 7E evidently failed their inspection and were delicensed on 11 August 1933 .
11 They had a leadership , and members who paid dues and were organized in local groups .
12 We visited Anguilla in the winter season which runs from December 15 to March 31 and were blessed with beautiful sunshine and very few tourists .
13 Although it was evacuated in 1586 , new settlers came later in the year , and were reinforced in 1587 .
14 Darwin considered that male traits were strengthened by use and were transmitted in greater amounts to male offspring .
15 Yet its inherent assumptions were implicit in most of the literary output of the Britons and the IFL and were disseminated through such groups as the NL .
16 Bede tells the story that , so backward were the heathen South Saxons that although a maritime race , they did not know how to fish and were given to mass suicides from convenient cliffs when the corn harvest failed after a terrible drought .
17 If , therefore , a person can prove that the statements or criticisms complained of went beyond reasonable or forceful debate and were defamatory ( as for example , a torrent of defamatory invective ) , and were influenced by indirect or ulterior motives , he might well be justified in issuing a writ .
18 But such remarks were commonplace and were made by ardent church reformers as often as by anyone else .
19 Around 500 lovers of nostalgia descended on Deal for the contest and were treated to some excellent golf on the course where the greens were in marvellous condition despite the recent drought .
20 In Florence , where black itinerant traders were blamed for increased petty crime and were viewed by local traders as a source of unfair competition , a number of violent incidents took place .
21 In the past , most inequalities were seen as natural and were defended as such .
22 Most of the shades hung crookedly and were scorched on one side , and she said the tinsel constituted an added fire hazard .
23 Familiar faces from the Tilford Bach Orchestra — Mary Murdoch ( oboe ) , Mary Ryan ( flute ) and Trevor Williams ( violin ) , were particularly popular , and were followed by new musicians Paul Nicholson harpsichord and Roy Goodman violin , who soon became familiar friends .
24 Five Mk 5s went to the Royal Australian Navy ( RAN ) in 1948 , and were followed by twelve dual-control trainers ( AS.5s converted to T.5s in Australia ) .
25 Lasting up to four hours , they were used to determine individual characteristics ( see page 68 ) and were followed by intensive interviews .
26 The double saloon doors had very rounded outer corners and were surmounted by large lintel boards with ventilation slits .
27 It seems certain that hidden teachings on sacred geometry — form , shape , proportion , number , measure and materials — were passed on into Christian times and were incorporated into much church architecture , including the great cathedrals .
28 KILLARROW AND KILMENY The minister and many of the congregation of the quod sacra church of Kilmeny " came out " in 1843 ; and were joined by those who left the parish church of Killarrow .
29 On Monday 10 October ‘ General ’ Forster 's little army reached Morpeth and were joined by some well-off Scots , riding their own horses , from across the Border , swelling their numbers to 300 but , lacking arms , Forster was unable to accept the volunteers who flooded in offering to serve as infantry .
30 LABOUR Euro-rebels ducked a showdown with party leader John Smith last night — and were blasted by left-wing MP Dennis Skinner .
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