Example sentences of "and [was/were] [verb] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 In addition candidates belonging to the Estonian Communist Party , which had voted for independence from the Soviet CP in March 1990 [ see p. 37323 ] and were represented in all these groups , won 55 seats .
2 Partially purified extracts of bacterially expressed VT2 and VT2X were obtained by ammonium sulphate precipitation ( Figure 2 ) and were used for all subsequent DNA binding analyses .
3 The Guidelines offer the profession a standard of good practice within the law , and were distributed to all Heads of Chambers .
4 RCD candidates therefore stood and were returned for all nine constituencies in the Oct. 13 by-elections , despite the fact that these seats had been vacated specifically to induce the opposition to end the ruling party 's monopoly of all 141 National Assembly seats .
5 King James was interested in medicine and was absorbed in all aspects of the study of physic and the human body . ’
6 Firstly , H pylori with homogeneously distributed chromatinic and cytoplasmic content within the bacterial body ( Fig 1 ) , which was associated with all the patterns of epithelial state and was seen in all the examined ultrastructural sections ; this pattern , however , was prominent in the first pattern of contact with gastric epithelium presenting normal looking epithelial cells .
7 The Prince felt he was in the company of someone very special , took great delight in time spent talking to him , and was inspired by all that he heard .
8 Bel-Korhadris ruled wisely and well and was loved by all .
9 Stemp appeared before a disciplinary committee in Birmingham today — and was cleared of all blame for the incident .
10 The pharmacy car was sub-divided into treatment room , pharmacy , office , linen stores , etc , and was fitted with all necessary requirements , such as cupboards , shelves for drugs , medicines , bandages , and utensils .
11 Yet in one the father did not know what was going on , and was robbed of all dignity .
12 As well as the obvious competition this tournament offered , it reunited many former national junior players and was enjoyed by all .
13 Meanwhile , I had written a play which was performed within the house and was enjoyed by all concerned in it .
14 This is emphasised by the fact that the Doric was the favourite order of the Greeks and was used above all others for important buildings ; to the Romans the Corinthian had a greater appeal .
15 One patient was found to have Campylobacter jejuni infection , and was excluded from all analyses .
16 Another who will be remembered by the older generation was Albert Bachelor , who employed a great many of the local men on his cement factory and was known by all as " Spot " Bachelor .
17 The agreement defined the frontier and was signed by all four states .
18 In 1930 he was the youngest member of the Reichstag and was considered by all to be a high-flyer .
19 To those for whom gas was out of the question , and candles or lamps were expensive luxuries , firelight was often the single source of light as well as heat , as George Eliot notes in Adam Bede : ‘ It was a pretty scene in the red fire-light : for there were no candles ; why should there be , when the fire was so bright , and was reflected from all the pewter and the polished oak ? ’
20 The poor rate was the largest direct tax paid by most rate payers at a time when income tax was levied only on incomes above £150 p.a. and was paid by all householders , many of them themselves poor .
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