Example sentences of "and [was/were] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 For the next hour the fairground gradually filled with people , mainly families with young children or teenagers who had become bored with their tour round the factory and were looking for some excitement .
2 Around 500 lovers of nostalgia descended on Deal for the contest and were treated to some excellent golf on the course where the greens were in marvellous condition despite the recent drought .
3 We did n't expect it to last as long as it has , and were hoping for some relief by the end of the year .
4 On Monday 10 October ‘ General ’ Forster 's little army reached Morpeth and were joined by some well-off Scots , riding their own horses , from across the Border , swelling their numbers to 300 but , lacking arms , Forster was unable to accept the volunteers who flooded in offering to serve as infantry .
5 Although it is a difficult route to ascend by , we reached the summit and were rewarded by some spectacular views .
6 Hotels are the usual choice of venue and were used in some cases .
7 At the height of its development , two main temples lay side by side amidst other structures and were approached through some form of monumental gateway to the east .
8 Many were still about war , but they were n't quite as crass as before and were interspersed with some really enjoyable movies .
9 There was also " … a considerable quantity of small ore which was got at the beginning of the work and can not be weighed until stamped or broken by an Engine and washed for which purpose they are going to erect one to go be water with all speed and were disstressed for some sycamore wood for the water wheel . "
10 He was not scholastically talented , and was said by some of his students to be a poor lecturer : ‘ Never was there a more irregular course of lectures , so that we scarcely knew what he was talking about ’ .
11 This event was the fourth major Living History Exhibition run by the SWSHAS and was visited by some 300 children and 150 adults .
12 He idly wondered if Joscelyn had returned to his old ways and was engaged in some petty smuggling .
13 No. 16 was sent there early in 1928 and was gone for some time .
14 In her innocence Myra had complied with his wish and was rewarded with some sweets .
15 John St.Clair spent hours prospecting for gold , and was rewarded with some bright literary nuggets .
16 Miss Honey had seated herself at her table and was riffling through some papers .
17 She 'd made all the beds and done her cleaning , and was feeling like some Bovril herself .
18 Vera Loomis , the ninety-two-year-old who lived at number 92 and was known for some reason as Got All the Things There Then ? had offered plum wine or home-brewed lager and Susan Doyle , who was reported to watch News at Ten while her husband pleasured her , had suggested lemonade shandy .
19 It measured just 233 yards for Ryder Cup week and was described by some as either the best , or worst hole , on the course .
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