Example sentences of "and [to-vb] for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He therefore gave authority to one Edward Sawyer to make inquiries , and to search for evidence in all houses and places in Kettering and five miles around .
2 In this first study , the European-ness of the 1989 elections will be explored in depth to see whether there are differences between EC countries , and to search for clues about likely future changes .
3 As British economists know only too well , it is easy to turn a blind eye to unwelcome truths of this kind and to indulge for decades in a form of national self-delusion .
4 Women are more likely than men both not to be members of such schemes and to work for employers without them .
5 Due diligence will be undertaken by a number of different advisers to Newco and the investors , and in certain transactions it is advisable for these parties to meet before the exercise in order not to duplicate work and to provide for cross-fertilisation of ideas .
6 Some system might be adopted ( Clause 13.06 ) for coordinating applications for new certificates ; ( 2 ) to maintain bank accounts in accordance with the Solicitors ' Accounts Rules and to provide for restrictions on drawings from such accounts ( Clauses 6.0.4 and 6.0.6 ) .
7 The BMC 's response has been to offer to install abseil points and lower-off stations on the Horseshoe Bend area and to apply for assistance from the Sports Council for stabilising work
8 Silent films , projectors and silver screens were purchased , and branches were encouraged to raise money and to apply for grants for the acquisition of necessary equipment .
9 This too was the strongest argument offered in favour of one Sandy Forbes , who hoped for the office of surgeon 's mate of the Sutherland Fencibles in 1779 , though in his case he clearly intended to be an officer in name only for he intended to apply for leave to complete his degree at Edinburgh University and to sail for India as an officer of an East Indiaman at the first suitable opportunity .
10 For these to be useful to schools , teachers need to find economical ways of distinguishing authorised from unauthorised absence , of distinguishing ‘ real ’ from condoned absence and to look for patterns of absence taking actual pupils as the starting point rather than a more generalised attendance rate .
11 Consequently , in 1983 a more comprehensive survey was carried out in the area with two objectives , — to map structure in reconnaissance form , and to look for evidence of Westphalian strata with a view to coal development .
12 ‘ We need air cover both to help us locate the whales and to watch for changes in their behaviour , ’ said Mr Goold .
13 8 May was Ascension Day and many faithful Catholics had assembled in the Cathedral , to celebrate the day , and to pray for deliverance from the volcano .
14 I believe that this arrangement of letters is even easier to read and to scan for items of particular interest and relevance , both for the general practitioner and during further hospital follow up .
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