Example sentences of "and [to-vb] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nuclear Electric , a third generating company , was to be established to take control of the nuclear power stations and to remain in the public sector .
2 Production workers are likely to be more concerned with the task and to work in a high structure organization .
3 The task of political sociology is to define these issues and problems in a rigorous way , to describe and analyse the wider structural and historical context , to enquire into the causes of political events , and to indicate in an imaginative rather than restrictive fashion the possible alternative courses of action .
4 With a view to aiding the assessment of a patient 's progress there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed ; for cure to be taking place the disease should go from within to without , from organs of greater importance to lesser importance , from above to below and to disappear in the reverse order to their original appearance .
5 Students have the opportunity to select areas of study which are of personal and professional interest ; to study in-depth issues relevant to the theory and practice of nursing and education and to participate in a stimulating exchange of ideas across cultural and disciplinary boundaries .
6 The 1975 United Nations Declaration of Rights of Disabled Persons asserted the right of disabled people to be self-reliant , to live as they choose and to participate in the social , creative and recreational activities of their communities .
7 This is a striking indication of the role of money in European society as a whole ; it reveals that even the peasantry must have reckoned , under good conditions , to produce , and to sell in the local market , a substantial surplus .
8 In this approach to the location of education management we may begin to find a new relationship between professionality and management , and to explore in a different way the questions of who does what , where and when in the whole management process .
9 A tendency to absorb smaller houses and to engage in a conscious policy of territorial expansion appears to have marked their behaviour in the second half of the thirteenth century .
10 One important factor seems to be the tendency of the cat to ‘ jump up unexpectedly ’ and to behave in an unpredictable way when at close quarters .
11 Technically , this is quite difficult to play accurately up to speed ; I find the best approach is to try to maintain a very relaxed right hand wrist and to pick in the general area around the top end of the fingerboard .
12 You will look after the fast buck merchants who are waiting to come in to steal and cheat and to deal in a shoddy , grasping way with bus companies that have been made successful by the local authorities . "
13 He was forced to abandon another public speech in Panama City 's central Porras Park , suffering from the effects of tear gas , and to flee in an armed vehicle , along with President Guillermo Endara Gallimany and both their wives , as the police struggled to contain angry crowds .
14 These have allowed scientists to define a new absolute standard of electrical resistance , and to determine in a new way one of the most important physical constants .
15 They were rocket propelled bombs with wings that enabled them to be launched and to fly in a straight line until the rocket fuel was used up , then to fall on the unfortunate people and buildings below .
16 The problem was that I still had a Jamaican passport and to run in a major meeting like that it was necessary to become a British subject .
17 We 'll visit the Jewish quarter , count statues of Saints on the famous Charles Bridge and walk up to the Presidential Palace area , stopping to see the wax figurine of the infant Jesus and to rest in the lovely gardens .
18 It is the tradition to build tall , and to build in the local grey stone .
19 And to succeed in the long run , they have to grow big .
20 By living in a private house the student can be independent while having the opportunity to meet British people and to live in a British environment .
21 People like Dad did n't struggle to make money and to live in a smart district of Leeds , in order to have a daughter living a dangerous , flashy , immoral life .
22 We can add to our knowledge of the European from 1880 onwards the fact that he is more and more likely to be a city-dweller , and to live in an industrial city .
23 The creation of a corporate sense of identity for France 's space industry is due largely to the CNES , and to pride in the early ( 1979–86 ) success of the Ariane programme .
24 Elizabeth 's older brother , Richard , 34 , had come from Somerset to see the place where his ‘ little sister ’ died — and to join in a defiant swim from the murder beach .
25 Leporello is hiding under the table when Giovanni meets his just desserts ; he survives to tell the tale and to join in the final ensemble warning the audience to take heed of the libertine 's dreadful fate .
26 The FSLN decided to call an end to the civil disobedience campaign , and to join in the national dialogue , following the negotiations on Oct. 2 between Daniel Ortega Saavedra , the Sandinista leader , and Antonio Lacayo , a close adviser to President Violeta Chamorro .
27 As we have seen , he claims to have had glimpses only of absolute Truth and we have interpreted this to mean that he is often made aware of the need to live and act in accordance with certain ethical and religious principles and to travel in a certain spirit .
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