Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [pers pn] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Answer guide : To help them control the level of their expenditure , to assist in planning future levels of expenditure , to help them raise additional finance ( e g. mortgages , hire-purchase etc. ) , and to help them decide the best way to spend their money .
2 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
3 He has done a great deal of important work to expose the problem and to help us find a solution to it .
4 R.S. used Hill and Knowlton to research the five counties and to help it produce the relocation documentation .
5 Its sole aim is to set you thinking along constructive lines , to indicate what is possible , to advise on the best sources of information and to help you avoid the pitfalls that can trap the unwary .
6 And to help you appreciate the surroundings — and to protect and conserve them — the council has expanded its Countryside Ranger Service .
7 You may find it useful actually to write similar sentences or even your introductory chat on your question list to remind you if your mind goes a blank and to help you see the shape of the interview you are planning .
8 There are excellent golf courses the length and breadth of our country and to help you find the ones which best suit you , we provide this simple golfer 's guide .
9 He told me to watch for a seaman with one leg and to let him know the moment when a man like that appeared .
10 The idea that something so apparently soft and harmless has pain-inflicting daggers on the ends of the feet is enough to disturb certain infants and to make them distrust the approaches of all felines .
11 She lifted her head defiantly , wanting to spare him nothing and to make him feel an absolute heel .
12 In all its forms , its object is to raise man above himself and to make him lead a life superior to that which he would lead , if he followed only his own individual whims : beliefs express this life in representations ; rites organize it and regulate its working .
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