Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This collaboration was not only about generating some ideas which could become possible policies , it was also designed to allow a sharing of a common challenge and to promote understanding of the fact that everyone in an LMS environment has a vital role to play .
2 According to this principle , as Bentham understands it , the ideal method for determining whether an individual 's action , or a legislative enactment , is right or wrong would be through evaluation of its total tendency to promote happiness , on the one hand , and to promote unhappiness on the other ; if the former predominates the action is right , if the latter it is wrong .
3 List servers may be used to raise issues for a particular discipline or to air thoughts and to stimulate discussion between a whole range of people who will never meet .
4 The workshop was part of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers ' ( MechE ) first year of Tribology Action , a campaign to create awareness and to stimulate action in the area of lubrication and wear .
5 The main aim of these agencies , many of which are sponsored by established companies in the local community , is to encourage the growth of small businesses and to stimulate employment in the area .
6 Lieberich went on to describe the functioning of the eye , and to diagnose astigmatism in a Parisian portrait painter ; seen through a suitable lens , his productions looked much better .
7 In the US there is a general call for dentists to become more holistic and to see dentistry as an integral part of health rather than treating patients as walking sets of teeth .
8 Causality is here contrasted with indeterminacy : either one pretends that the origin of psychological peculiarities is known and that it has the force of explanation , as in classical psychoanalysis , or one chooses to relinquish this concept and to see identity as a matter of discontinuity and flux .
9 As we have noted , Circular 11/77 asked Regional Advisory Councils to draw up plans for the training of full-time further education teachers and to report progress to the DES by September 1978 .
10 The Commission also announced plans to outlaw the use and production of hydrobromochlorofluorocarbons ( HBFCs ) , used in firefighting equipment , and to curb production of the pesticide methyl bromide , by Jan. 1 , 1995 .
11 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
12 Miss Geyer writes : ‘ The new thing in history that Castro did was to destroy the Communist Party and create his own Fidelista Party , which he called Communist in order to stand up against the United States and to gain backing and to borrow power from the Soviet Union ’ .
13 After several months ' work , during which time they lived in a caravan parked on the site , the owners , Mr and Mrs Bates were able to move into the future garage area of the building in August 1984 and to continue work on the upper-floor accommodation under the shelter of the reslated roof .
14 In the meantime , Castro had begun to jettison the middle class and to cultivate support among the peasantry , workers and students through the use of nationalistic and class appeals .
15 Partnerships need guidance and support to help those involved to continually reflect on previous learning and to plan change on the basis of this reflection .
16 The Research Centre for Social Sciences was established in 1984 both to carry out research and to support research throughout the Faculty .
17 Mechanical protection works are permanent structures of earth or masonry which are designed to protect soil from water erosion , and to conserve water as a resource by means of interception , diversion and deceleration of surface and sub-surface run off .
18 And because it assumes that gender differences are biologically or culturally fixed , it is especially likely to neglect psychological or social differences between women , to take female subjectivity as defining feminism , and to treat psychology as a form of social action in itself .
19 It requires collective agreement in the form of government to define the property rights that are the objects of exchange and to enforce contract through the legal system .
20 How easy it is to let the seven-days-a-week routine become drudgery , be overwhelmed by work unfinished , and to lose sight of the original aim .
21 How long will the country continue to lose jobs and to lose access to the great national asset of our coal , given that the Government want to sell off British Coal overnight at a cheap price , for the benefit of the Treasury ?
22 The declaration of policy was more than a statement of priorities and objectives , designed to disavow as misdirected Mr Benn 's essay in Industrial Co-operation and to restore credibility to the idea — and , incidentally , to meet Signor Prandini 's dismissive criticism .
23 The SCSE promised to restore order , and to solve the food and housing problems , while " supporting private enterprise " , to honour the Soviet Union 's international obligations and to restore pride in the motherland .
24 Meanwhile it has been necessary to delay most new grant announcements , and to achieve immediate savings elsewhere in other activities such as seminars and workshops and to freeze recruitment to the Council 's laboratories and to the Swindon office .
25 The system was designed to prevent plagiarism , and to establish copyright over the thesis contents .
26 In northern Ontario , railways that had originally been designed as ‘ colonization roads ’ to link any pioneering agricultural communities and to increase settlement in the ‘ clay belt ’ had become instead ‘ prospecting roads ’ in the remarkable scramble for the mineral riches of the area which developed in Edwardian times .
27 These modules provide the opportunity to plan and undertake a health and fitness programme appropriate to individual and group needs and to increase awareness of the implications of health and fitness for personal development .
28 On 24 February 1986 , LAG issued a booklet , Lignite on the Loughshore — the case for community survival , which they circulated among politicians , universities and the media to increase awareness of the issue and to increase pressure on the British Government to hold an inquiry on both the environmental and social impacts of the mining .
29 This programme aims to promote economic and social advancement and to encourage reconciliation between the two traditions .
30 To train pupils in the evaluation of evidence and to encourage awareness of the difference between prejudice and valid argument .
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