Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] had a " in BNC.

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1 Well I used to ride a motorbike a and my father had a Triumph motorbike because he bought I do n't why he , why he bought it and he was terrified of it cos it was very fierce !
2 There was much competition during the war as to who could come up with the best bomb story , and my mother had a great time telling this one to all the aunties , especially as it was only due to her nagging that I had n't been in my bed at the time .
3 We ( or they , as I would probably have said at the time ) now lived in a detached , fairly large house in a village in Berkshire ; my father taught at a primary school in a nearby village , and my mother had a job at the Harwell Atomic Research Establishment .
4 ‘ My father was the driest comedian you ever heard , and my mother had a wonderful singing voice — much better than mine , ’ Lynne says .
5 And he and my mother had a disagreement about this and er the result was that my father became very ill and I went home to Grandma .
6 On Oct. 26 , 1989 , the House of Lords , sitting as the final court of appeal , ruled that while the ITC and its members had a moral responsibility to its creditors , the creditors had no contractual claims under English law against the 22 member states of the ITC .
7 Later , while sitting at the kitchen table making a special list of people to help with Easter flowers , and a subsidiary list of those who might be approached to donate Easter lilies , Anna and her conscience had a little tussle .
8 The people who 'd chartered her had flown to Paris for the weekend and her crew had a party .
9 It was so much worse for her because all the other boys did turn up , and her friends had a lovely time with their partners .
10 ‘ You 're so lovely , ’ he said huskily , and her throat had a great lump in it suddenly that threatened to choke her .
11 Her findings were that both the writers themselves and their families had a substantially raised incidence of mental illness , but especially of affective psychosis , including depression and forms of the disorder characterised by severe mood swings .
12 So when her son married and his wife had a baby girl she felt as if she 'd regained the daughter she 'd lost .
13 THE Duke and Duchess of Kent became grandparents for the second time yesterday when the Earl of St Andrews and his wife had a baby girl .
14 Later in Edward I 's reign he and his wife had a series of disputes with the Dublin government .
15 In fact , he was married , although not many people knew this , and his wife had a serious and incurable disease called lupus , which at times took quite a toll on his own emotions and energy .
16 Der summat like that , and his wife had a baby at the same time as Elaine 's so she our midwife would come and er , so the she kept in touch really of of what they were because they wanted to , I 'll take the place off , they wanted to take it over .
17 And his voice had a note of self-mockery in it which surprised her .
18 This was the very widespread feeling ( at least in Parliament : public opinion normally tended to be suspicious of ministerial projects ) that the king and his ministers had a right to the support of all loyal and patriotic subjects .
19 The king and his part had a feast at the edge of the forest .
20 He turned round to me abruptly and his face had a new hard look .
21 His eyes were closed , and his face had a lazy , satisfied look .
22 The intention was to place a legal obstacle in the way of anyone seeking to imitate the Ordainers , but the Statute of York should not be taken to mean that the king and his supporters had a high view of the function of parliament .
23 As Emerson and his family had a house on the beach in Guaruja and as , like all Brazilians , Emerson , his lovely wife Maria Helena and his whole family were extremely hospitable , that house became a natural venue for a bunch of cronies and hangers-on whom Emerson , with more good nature than judgement , would invite to stay with him .
24 A motorist and his family had a lucky escape after a brick was dropped on their car from an overhead bridge .
25 Farmer Robert Irwin and his family had a grandstand view of the invading Norsemen ruthlessly slaying Irish warriors on their land .
26 ‘ I lost my father before I signed for Rangers and his death had a devastating effect on me since we had always been so close , and not simply because he had been a professional goalkeeper in his time , ’ Goram said .
27 I hope you and your family had a good Christmas and I hope you have a successful and happy new Year .
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