Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] give a " in BNC.

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1 Sarah was in the kitchen when she arrived , and her heart gave a sudden leap as she recognized the plump , rosy-faced woman as one of the two who had driven away from the Foundling Hospital that fateful day .
2 Tamar glanced across curiously and as the man emerged from the shadow of the stable into the bright sunlight , her throat constricted and her heart gave a lurch .
3 The phone rang and her heart gave a jerk .
4 Rachel stared at Jennifer and her heart gave a great lurch as what her sister had just said began to sink in , then she frowned .
5 He smiled , and her heart gave a strange little twist .
6 His fingers touched hers and his heart gave a jolt , but she seemed perfectly in command of herself and had apparently felt nothing , so he told himself not to be a dope , and carried his coffee back to the chesterfield .
7 Harrison and his friends gave a rousing version of his Beatles composition , Taxman , in which the names of former prime ministers Mr Heath and Mr Wilson were replaced by those of Mr Major and Mr Kinnock .
8 These had no actuality sound with them — the technology was n't up to it then — and Peter and his guest gave a live , ad-lib commentary as the film was shown .
9 Jake and his men gave a loud guffaw and so did the Town Clerk and the Dragoons .
10 The villagers , she wrote , ‘ felt that the presence of yourself and your family gave a mark of approbation to all village activities .
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