Example sentences of "and [pos pn] [noun] [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 It is at these stages of the process that the professional judgement and experience of the assessor and her/his ability to exercise a range of analytic and negotiating skills is of fundamental importance .
2 may already have spoken to you about her and my plan to have a training/recreation weekend in St Andrews ( Saturday ) and Edinburgh ( Friday evening and Sunday ) in the autumn , 19–21 November ,
3 Yet it also testified to the increasing power of the new medical strategy and its ability to force a dialogue with competing political forces .
4 The combined effect would be to weaken Britain 's government and its ability to play a part in world affairs .
5 Although the racking system is normally open type construction it is possible to clad the perimeter of the racking and its top to form a totally enclosed box within a conventional building .
6 He was deternined to use the dramatic location and its views to make a powerful memorial rather than to build a lofty edifice that would dominate the skyline .
7 What stands out about the development of transport in England between 1700 and 1815 is the creation from privately supplied capital of a system which , though not preconceived , was to prove sufficiently complementary in its supply and its operation to accommodate a modernising economy with a growing range of activities .
8 Its credibility has been severely damaged and its attempts to find a solution to the problem have resulted in abject failure .
9 In a message officially acknowledging Thailand 's decision to comply with Article VIII the Managing Director of the IMF , Michel Camdessus , said that it was a " clear indication of the country 's economic strength and its willingness to support a liberalized foreign exchange system " .
10 He is expected to use his address to the Diet ( parliament ) during his visit — the first by a Soviet head of state — to try to get a commitment from both the Japanese government and its businessmen to back a hoary old proposal : the formation of an economic group among the countries surrounding the Japan Sea , that is , the Soviet Union , the two Koreas and Japan .
11 So if , for example , Granada loses its franchise , it could fall back on its programme-making and its library to provide a business .
12 Jane tried to comfort Flora by telling her that her own two younger children had got itchy feet at sixteen too , and left school : her son had gone on to a sixth form college which he found highly satisfying — ‘ One 's treated like an adult , ’ and her daughter to do a foundation course in art .
13 He found it trying having to listen to endless complaints about her weight , her tiredness and her inability to carry a child .
14 She pledged never to privatise the National Health Service , reaffirmed the party 's commitment to protect pensions against inflation and her intention to take a lead on world environmental problems .
15 Despite her subsequent burning of nearly 300 committed Protestants , her efforts to reimpose Roman Catholicism were ultimately doomed by the brevity of her reign and her failure to produce a Catholic heir .
16 In fact , because of the inadequacy of their quality control in production of condoms , and their inability to produce a contraceptive pill , abortion soon became the only normal form of birth-control .
17 In such a mood it is inevitable that the Government 's attempts to bring about change through legislation and increased prescription will be generally felt to be yet another attack on autonomy and yet another indication of a lack of trust in teachers ' judgement and their ability to do a good job .
18 Constant training and familiarisation give everyone more confidence in their equipment and their ability to survive a chemical attack in war .
19 It has also been observed that although these patients continue to experience chest pain , the knowledge that the oesophagus is the source of this reduces their perception of the disability and their requests to see a physician .
20 Secondly I did write to all the members of the Council about the issue of the British National Corpus and their desire to have a record of English as she is spoke and their is a gentleman from here today , if you would care to stand up to identify yourself please .
21 And their desperation to become a ‘ mother ’ makes them tough to find .
22 If I had found the cramped interior of the U-boat at Kiel oppressive , it was nothing to the claustrophobia I felt inside the midget submarine , and I marvelled again at the courage and calm that had enabled Place and his crew to live a daily life in such surroundings , far less undertake and brilliantly accomplish their mission .
23 He entered the 1990s gambling on the long term success of his satellite TV channel , Sky , and his plans to build a fourth US national TV network .
24 The programme was the product of three weeks ' intensive work by President Mikhail Gorbachev and his advisers to produce a compromise between Stanislav Shatalin " s radical proposals and the more cautious plan produced by Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov .
25 William 's suspension of habeas corpus in the early years of the war , his use of the royal veto , and his attempt to retain a standing army in peacetime after the Treaty of Ryswick in 1697 , further aroused Country suspicions about the strength of the executive .
26 His father 's penury prevented Machen attending university , and his attempt to pursue a medical career proved short-lived when he failed the preliminary examination of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1880 .
27 In spite of the success of Murder in the Cathedral , and his desire to begin a new play in a modern setting , he was working on his next project rather slowly .
28 I forwarded that letter to the Department of Employment and got the unsatisfactory answer that it fully understood my constituent 's position and his reluctance to consider a bank loan at this time , but was ’ sorry in this instance not to be able to offer an alternative suggestion . ’
29 ( g ) To inform the suspect of the reason for the detention , of his right to legal advice and his right to have a person informed that he is in custody and his right to consult the Codes of Practice .
30 There was no necessary relationship between the real importance of a state and the willingness of its ruler and his representatives to make a fuss over things of this sort .
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