Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And let's not forget a few failed attempts at making it in the movies along the way .
2 And let's not forget the parrot that was n't there .
3 And let's not forget the Nathan Bryce Adoration Society . ’
4 And let's not limit the language to pictures of thunder and brute strength .
5 Regrettably no , the safety standards and regulations in operation overseas are those of the country in question and may not reach the same level as those we enjoy in the UK .
6 Answer guide : In this case the future benefit to be obtained is difficult to judge and may not exceed the rental .
7 Officials in charge of the roads in California and Texas say the material , called epoflex , is difficult to apply and may not do the job intended .
8 Alas , Mr Shevardnadze speaks almost no English or French and may not want the job .
9 Anyway back to main point , so up to retirement quite straightforward , no problem at all and this is why he could have gone on for donkey years without a return of income , his salary goes up of course , it 's picked up in the tax tables , his personal allowances do n't change so they could swan along there for so many years without even looking at his affairs , but then see what happens in the very next tax year , when he has n't had a return and may not get a return for a couple of years .
10 IBM is said to be late off the mark and may not get the chance to inject itself officially .
11 This suggests that an antireflux operation will not inevitably lead to regression or resolution of Barrett 's epithelium , and may not reduce the risk of malignant degeneration .
12 Like many animals which only produce one young at a time and may not breed every year , individuals are potentially very long lived , fifty or sixty years may not be unusual for some .
13 However , under the terms of Protection From Eviction Act 1977 the landlord must enter peacefully upon the land and may not use the right of re-entry at all if the premises are used for residential purposes .
14 The problem of consistency of measurement techniques over a long period of time will have to be faced and may not have a satisfactory solution .
15 However , in a more recent study Nyman and Silberston cast some doubt on the growth of management control , reporting that as high a figure as 56.25 of the top 250 companies in the UK were still controlled by shareholders , and concluding that ‘ the extent of managerial control is more limited than has been thought and may not have an inexorable tendency to increase .
16 The vast majority of defendants , even politically motivated ones , have not the energy , and may not have the means , to launch long and expensive appeals .
17 Even though the need for change has been clearly stated and the encouragement to change comes from the highest political levels , the systems through which health care are delivered are traditional and conservative and may not support an individual through changing policies and roles .
18 Alternatively parents may be unaware of the nutritional value of certain foods and may not understand the necessary balance in a diet .
19 Unmusical clergy may leave every — recruiting , and may not understand the inappropriateness or impracticality of a particular piece of music which has been requested .
20 The sole remaining restraint is the requirement that the advertising must not impair the solicitor 's independence and integrity and must not bring the profession into disrepute .
21 The court must therefore be satisfied that the order will positively contribute to the child 's welfare and must not make an order unless it considers that doing so would be better for the child than making no order at all .
22 The other leg must remain straight out all the time , and must not touch the floor .
23 The 1987 SORP did not elaborate but notable examples have occurred in the past when high-rise council flats have been demolished relatively soon after construction : local authorities have decided that housing revenue accounts could not and should not bear the burden of extinguishing the associated debt in the year of demolition .
24 The scope of the ministerial Council should not go beyond what is appropriate to the role of the Community and should not usurp the satisfactory work of organisations which already exist .
25 If these are present you will need a blood test from your doctor and should not start a special diet without checking with him or her first .
26 This meant that the rotor could be used in heavy winds and should not compromise the ship 's safety .
27 There are small variations in composition from one island to another , of course , but these are insignificant , and should not obscure the underlying fact that basalt constitutes a fundamental rock type , common to all parts of the Earth .
28 It should produce quick and clear decisions before each merger is completed and should not require a reference to more than one authority .
29 Examinations should enable candidates to demonstrate what they can do , and should not undermine the confidence of those who attempt them .
30 Instead of musical mats , children can ‘ walk the plank ’ and should not have a foot on it or be the last person to pass over when the music stops .
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