Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Syllabifying as ab-sent and drawing attention to the familiarity of sent can stop this error .
2 He flailed for balance , snatched at the closest tablecloth and dragged a cascade of smashing china and chinking silver to the floor as he fell .
3 Indeed , there is no doubt that control of French mainland ports was vitally important to the English , and that much diplomacy in the course of the war was concerned with securing and maintaining access to the use of their facilities .
4 An international consensus on the need for governments to impose tough targets for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions seems to be developing as Japan presents a new and demanding strategy to the Geneva World Climate Conference .
5 For some of the writers this point was taken much further : it was not just a matter of unacknowledged ideological leanings ; the causal-corrective stance came to be portrayed as a fundamentally misguided and distorting approach to the study of crime .
6 A number of WWF 's recommendations on reducing vehicle use have been endorsed by the Committee , including the removal of tax incentives from company cars and relating taxation to the efficiency of vehicles .
7 Testing is limited to checking the correct supply polarity and applying power to the board .
8 In these cases it may be appropriate after advising the insured of the position , to offer to make a payment based upon importing average into the contract and applying average to the amount of the claim .
9 Key informants in universities and government agencies provided assistance in locating and gaining access to the relevant documents .
10 Johnson 's group succeeded on July 23 in taking government troops by surprise and gaining access to the centre of Monrovia , but was later repulsed .
11 On the first occasion a violent thunderstorm blew up on that beautiful summer day , wrecking any attempt at further recording and causing damage to the equipment .
12 In the case of disclosure of information on defence , international relations , crime , information resulting from unauthorised disclosures or entrusted in confidence by a crown servant , sections 2–6 make disclosure an offence if made without lawful authority and causing damage to the public interest .
13 In 1903 he was a CMS missionary in Khartoum and acting chaplain to the forces but , on medical grounds , he was compelled to retire to England later that year .
14 The individual defendants at Nuremberg , for example , were third parties to the Treaty of London establishing and granting jurisdiction to the Military Tribunal .
15 As the specified user , Update Baseline then modifies each package by creating a DC , updating it with default values , submitting the DC for assessment , activating the DC on the package , updating the package contents ( equivalent of LIFESPAN option 1.3.4 — Edit Package Contents ) , submitting the package to the Approver for approval , and finally , as the specified Approver , preparing the package for approval and granting approval to the package .
16 Larsen , the protagonist of Juan Carlos Onetti 's The Shipyard , for example , caricatures the thrusting , social-climbing heroes of nineteenth-century fiction by assuming charge of a shipyard and paying court to the owner 's daughter , but the world in which he operates grotesquely parodies the industrial age 's spirit of optimism and progress , for the owner is bankrupt , his daughter is mad , the decaying yard is no longer operational and the two remaining employees spend their time reading out-of-date files .
17 Tommy dancing with everyone in sight and paying court to the French ladies .
18 And paying tribute to the fleeting visit of a legend .
19 Moreover , the Cold War was not thawing ; Eisenhower was firm , if complacent ; Khruschev was , well , Khrushchevian ; stamping round the world belligerently , rattling his bombs and adding reality to the nascent CND warnings .
20 DCSLs are , however , accompanied on their first visit by their Divisional Librarian , thus involving a senior professional colleague , and adding status to the enterprise .
21 Yet even when ‘ agitation ’ played a large role , until the 1830s — and even then the traditional view was maintained by an older generation of abolitionists — it was seen as giving strength and support to parliamentary initiatives , backing to ‘ influence ’ over political leaders and entailing deference to the consensus of the leaders of parliamentary antislavery .
22 At a time when galleries are feeling the financial squeeze and playing safe with established artists , or even closing altogether , showing and selling work to the public from one 's own studio is an attractive option for artists .
23 It is likely that T. vaginalis is not at its happiest in the male urethra , and providing exposure to the protozoon does not again occur during this period , in about a week most men will probably eliminate the organism from the urethra without the aid of treatment .
24 The Lift moves up and down the Bridge , reacting to the stimulus of local magnetic field strength , riding the isogonal contours and providing information to the feedback mechanisms which direct its movement .
25 So the first stage of identifying modern multimedia is to focus on its power to draw together different forms of communication , smoothly integrating them within a digital environment , and providing access to the stored information using computer systems which are fast , friendly and , above all , interactive .
26 As his health recovered , he resumed his fieldwork , making important new discoveries in the geology of the midlands , Shropshire , and north Wales , and providing advice to the second royal coal commission ( 1902–5 ) and on foundations and water supply .
27 Henceforward Wolf pursued two objectives , both within the leading institutions of the Anglo-Jewish community and as a journalist — thwarting political Zionism , which he thought would place Jews in a situation of conflicting loyalties , and calling attention to the denial of human rights to Jews , particularly in Russia and Romania .
28 On a consideration of all the evidence and having regard to the matters to which section 10(9) enjoins us to have particular regard , I am fully satisfied that this is a case where we should exercise our discretion so as to refuse leave .
29 The C. and A.G. , after satisfying himself that the vouchers have been examined and certified as correct by the accounting department , may , in his discretion and having regard to the character of the departmental examination , in any particular case admit the sum so certified without further evidence of payment in support of the charges to which they relate … ‘
30 On the other hand , where a woman undergoes an operation for sterilisation which is negligently performed and she subsequently becomes pregnant she can recover damages in respect of the pain and suffering endured in carrying and giving birth to the child : Udale v Bloomsbury Area Health Authority [ 1983 ] 1 WLR 1098 .
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