Example sentences of "and [v-ing] he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The only exception to this rule was Uncle Jack , who clearly had his sights set on several more whiskies when Charlotte insisted , at Ursula 's request , on driving him to the station and seeing him aboard the London train .
2 Dana ran after him , catching his arm and bringing him to a standstill .
3 But in the same split second something like an iron band clamped round his waist , squeezing the breath from him and bringing him to a dead stop .
4 Afterwards Churchill is supposed to have sent a note to the Marshal , thanking him for his hospitality and reminding him of the details of their verbal agreements of the night before the morning after .
5 A furtive junior diplomat bowing and scraping his way out of the interview section of the Lefortovo , ogling the KGB man and thanking him for a fifteen-minute access to a prisoner for whom the key was now thrown far away .
6 ‘ Of course you can , ’ she said , taking his arm and walking him towards the bay window , but she kept one eye on the painting in case they were tempted .
7 He went back for the President , lifting him from behind by both elbows and walking him into the shower with his boxer shorts and his sandals on .
8 ‘ Socrates was the first man who thought about thinking , ’ she said , sitting on the window seat and surprising him in every way .
9 She instantly jumped into the boat in which her father was seated , and seizing him by the breasts of his coat , motioned him to return to the shore .
10 Farrar s sentimentality may be excessive but we may envy his freedom to recognize and express childhood affection as well as childhood aggression ( ‘ I 'll kill you for that , ’ said Barker , leaping at Eric , and seizing him by the hair' ( ibid .
11 Earlier , a former police consatble , Patrick Stennett , told of stopping Hagans and searching him on a footbridge between the council office and a staff car park , half an hour before Mrs McGurk died .
12 ‘ Well … we 're hardly strangers any more , are we ? ’ she demanded , thrusting her hands into her pockets and eyeing him with a trace of annoyance .
13 He wanted to marry her , but she laughed at him too , and said she had already made her choices and they did not include giving up her God and replacing him with a somewhat vulgar and certainly brutal man .
14 With the election due on Oct. 27 , the latest date allowed by the Constitution , the party took a final desperate gamble by persuading Palmer to resign in September [ see pp. 37716-17 ] and replacing him with the more dynamic Mike Moore .
15 " You can tell him , " I said , turning and looking him in the face , " that you were entirely mistaken ; that my boss really is my boss , and that I 'm not going to have a baby . "
16 He said here are and tapping him over the nose
17 Never before had she argued so passionately with a man , hating him and wanting him with an intensity that frightened her .
18 ‘ I 'll take him up to his bed , Cissie , ’ Beth told her , at the same time taking the boy by the hand and leading him towards the door .
19 Absolutely , ’ he said , hooking an arm around the man 's shoulders and leading him from the porch .
20 The Doctor ran for cover , grabbing the poet 's sleeve and pulling him to the side .
21 Valerie Eliot was also his protector — as a secretary she had for a long time been organizing his daily life and guarding him from the world , and it was probably the calm assurance of her presence which first drew him towards her .
22 He held both of them for a moment before turning to Ian and presenting him with a sword drawn from its scabbard .
23 This time Midnight moved aside and grasping him round the back of the neck as he passed , flung him headlong into the gathering crowd .
24 Harbour , having scanned the field for Geoffrey — he had some notion of rushing him from the rear and felling him with a rabbit-chop — ran off to compare notes with Dotty and the others .
25 After approaching him on the street and ushering him into the house he told the boy ; ’ Welcome to the Devil 's Kingdom ’ and threatened to kill him if he did nt co-operate .
26 Then Pettit took a photograph and , he claimed , Enos attacked him — throwing him over a fence and punching him in a headlock .
27 John received the support of Innocent against the Magna Carta which the pope annulled in August 1215 , suspending Langton and summoning him as a participant to answer at Rome .
28 Brown was found guilty after trial of assaulting Mr Kelly , 23 , by punching and kicking him about the head and body , seizing hold of him , stabbing him on the body with a knife and to the danger of his life .
29 Jennie told Katharine to keep pushing with her inside leg and holding him with the outside rein to stop him walking forward .
30 ‘ You clever boy ! ’ she would cry , throwing her arms around him , and sending him into a transport of joy .
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