Example sentences of "and [v-ing] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't risk slipping on the wet surface of the stones and pitching into the river .
2 When chipping and pitching into the wind , the ball will settle down more quickly and the stroke must be quite positive , with a quite noticeable acceleration through impact .
3 The left-hander just avoided a caught-and-bowled to Malcolm 's left hand , but when Gooch brought Salisbury on , this time at the Nursery end , and pitching into the legside rough , he spun one right across Salim Malik to have him caught at gully .
4 The door opened quietly ; and stepping into the kitchen , as he had stepped a thousand times before , came Jake .
5 Distempering houses , and stepping into the breach when somebody 's cook has lumbago , and exercising people 's dogs .
6 Placing the night-light against the wall she sat down on the top stair , humping the eiderdown high over her shoulders and gazing into the darkness .
7 The fully-laden truck careered through traffic lights at a crossroads in St Austell , Cornwall , crushed her Vauxhall car and pushed it 100 feet , before virtually demolishing a butchery and crashing into a florist 's shop .
8 A month later he struck in a suburb of Milton Keynes — loosing control of a Ford Granada and crashing into a fence and a parked car .
9 She slammed on her brakes and horn simultaneously as the jeep swerved to miss her , careering off the road and crashing into the gully alongside .
10 An oil drum was kicked away , rolling and crashing into the wall beside her .
11 They seemed further away , their shells passing over very high up and crashing into the area of the Orne canal .
12 The great metal roof-tree which held the house together had bent inwards as though from some giant 's blow , and listening , Rachel could hear tiles still slithering down the slope and crashing into the street forty feet below .
13 Mansell locked his brakes up and span off , his car turning backwards and colliding into the wall at about 75mph in a cloud of debris which included his right front wheel .
14 I love it when they put their hand right there and you can feel their fingers in your hair and pressing into the top of the back of your neck .
15 Constance ran round the side of the house , and walking into the kitchen , slammed the door loudly behind her .
16 I scrambled to my feet , forcing the turban over my eyes and bending the feather till it stuck out like a pan-handle , went nervously into the comedy routine and finished by singing , ‘ If There 's a Wrong Way to Do It ’ and walking into the proscenium arch .
17 However , while returning home with the Cup might not quite be an occasion for breaking out the ticker tape and launching into an orgy of street parties , it would be nice to see England do well , and there is no reason why they should not .
18 Johnson then insisted on descending to the shore and boating into the basin itself , which was entered by means of vigorous rowing to the very entrance , then , oars shipped , by Gliding the rest of the way , as the extended oars would not squeeze through the opening — although they might today , after two centuries of further erosion .
19 Almost dark now , and the bombers would be taking off from Fenton Bishop , heaving and thrashing into the air , into the same sun that had reddened Loch Ardneavie .
20 And leaping into the saddle he raced back to Grimspound , Nero at full stretch , the Devil laughing and snapping at his heels as he went .
21 ‘ My past … ’ said the Doctor , putting the juggernaut into gear and driving into the hole .
22 It 's a strange sensation levelling out from the climb at six hundred feet and trimming into the glide before passing the end of the runway .
23 Exercise consisted of getting up in the morning , reaching for a cigarette and climbing into the car .
24 He was breathing heavily and pushing into the room behind Sarella .
25 A hideously powerful blow on one of the boards sent it splintered and whirling into the basement .
26 Feel that your quiet , heavy limbs are almost spreading out and sinking into the floor like water that has been spilled .
27 The crimson rivulets were lengthening , tracing lines down his throat and soaking into the collar of his overalls .
28 When he moved back there was blood running down his chest and soaking into the waistband of his trousers .
29 His sweat had floated from him whilst he slept , and whilst he fell , overwhelming the humidity regulators , pooling in the extremities of the starsuit and soaking into the padding .
30 Maybe she believed him , for Rufus had once caught her lifting the lid and looking into the jar at the wood ash Adam had scraped up from the site of the handkerchief man 's last bonfire .
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