Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Powering themselves with their tails and using their flippers for steering and balance , they are often seen travelling at speeds greater than 45 k per hour ( 25 knots ) , and the fastest species can reach maximum speeds of over 56 k per hour .
2 The earlier call of music , now happily developing into ‘ teenage ’ forms and addressing their concerns for freedom and individuality , as well as evoking a certain resentment at the growing post-war materialism , was sweeping many along in its wake .
3 She was screaming and waggling her legs for all she was worth , but the cruel loops of nylon had her about the wrists , the kite was in the jaws of the wind , and she was already well out of reach even if I had wanted to catch her .
4 The car was rolling over and kicking its legs for her .
5 His narrative reveals Geertz ( almost ) capable of being a player himself , helping to establish his credibility as a knowing ‘ reader ’ of cockfighting and supporting his claims for the activity 's wider anthropological significance .
6 Last but not least the two Gary 's in midfield have been brilliant — Mac looking assured and displaying his talents for all to see — he has really blossomed when Strach 's not been playing and Speedy has scored some important goals and displayed his prowess at getting forward .
7 That 's like employing a bricklayer and then going down to Barnitts and buying his tools for him .
8 In the final analysis you are getting nervous and undermining your chances for success because you are frightened of something which really does not matter as much as you are allowing it to .
9 The resources are allocated periodically at a review meeting which is preceded by individual project leaders assessing their own progress and estimating their needs for the next period .
10 Doing a pre-interview evaluation yourself of how your past performance has matched targets , and determining your reasons for success and failure .
11 For days he would rage in fevered pain , screaming at his minions and cursing his underlings for failing to deliver Altdorf into his hands .
12 Its 495-326 vote had the effect of curbing Mr Yeltsin 's authority and cancelling his plans for an April referendum .
13 You should see them — they were ringing the Castle round when I came away , and making themselves fires for the night on Cnoc na Lude across the Tilt .
14 This chapter considers these developments , arguing that they have an obvious potential to amplify , rather than reduce , the tendency to public disorder , and assessing their implications for the erosion of civil liberties .
15 A man of evident education , Bishop wrote more than thirty Quaker tracts , employing apocalyptic imagery and grounding his arguments for religious liberty in scripture , early church history , and natural reason .
16 The next day we spent the forenoon ashore at Smeerenburg looking at the remains of the old Dutch whaling-station , and setting our feet for the first time on the Spitsbergen tundra .
17 On boats the rig is held in position with wire shrouds and top yachtsmen spend many hours tweaking and adjusting their controls for maximum performance .
18 This project of revitalising the moral ground of liberalism was particularly important at a time when industrialisation had destroyed traditional sources of social cohesion by cutting individuals off from their fellow citizens and reducing their opportunities for self-expression through economic specialisation .
19 The Beatles were courted by leaders of both parties : Harold Wilson won , corralling them at the Variety Club luncheon of 1964 , and ensuring their MBEs for export services — in late 1965 .
20 Now this was the kind of man that George Albert Smith of Brighton was , and he made a whole range of short films , as all the early filmmakers did , erm publishing a catalogue every so often , and offering his films for sale to other showmen , because as the years passed erm these films became extremely popular .
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