Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 His eyes were fixed on the forms which he was signing and stamping as fast as he could go .
2 Like most of my fellow white South Africans in the early days of contention , I did n't realise at the time that people like Peter Hian and Hassan Howa were looking further than we were , and seeing further ahead than our own claustrophobic horizons .
3 What we have done is we have erm been able to utilise some A C T capacity or generate some A C T capacity within one of the subsidiaries within the group um the reason for highlighting it highlighting it is not particularly to make a song and dance about it but is particularly to say that on the cash flow statement there is this in-flood and it is a one off in-flood we 're not going to be seeing that being brought forward every year , but basically what it is is we have profits in previous elements of the group which enabled us to generate A C T capacity enabled us to off set this A C T which we paid on dividends and bringing forward earlier than we would otherwise have done .
4 Can he defy what may appear to be a paradox by both easing the burden of excessive interest rates and pressing on relentlessly until inflation is completely eradicated from the economy ?
5 Cranston leaned over the table , placing his hands over those of Fitzosbert and pressing down hard until the keeper 's face paled and beads of sweat broke out on his brow .
6 We do n't want that train creepin' in and creepin' out again while nobody 's lookin' . ’
7 The landlord will nevertheless wish to ensure that the premises are occupied and trading as soon as possible , particularly if they are located in a parade or shopping centre where the landlord 's adjoining premises could benefit from customers to the premises .
8 There is a clear sense of recession , with paler tones dominating at the top of the canvas and appearing further away than the more densely coloured foreground .
9 For example , borrowings under the compensatory finance facility have to be repaid in quarterly instalments beginning three years and ending not later than five years after the date of the borrowings , whereas the enlarged access repayments are required twice a year beginning three and a half years and ending not later than seven years after the date of the borrowings .
10 For example , borrowings under the compensatory finance facility have to be repaid in quarterly instalments beginning three years and ending not later than five years after the date of the borrowings , whereas the enlarged access repayments are required twice a year beginning three and a half years and ending not later than seven years after the date of the borrowings .
11 But you know having said that they are there for a reason and the reason they are there for is is if the group did n't have somebody to pull them back down again then they 'd might be going off in all different directions doing all these wonderful things and ending up nowhere because you have n't had somebody who pulls them back and says well hold on a minute .
12 The Centre has its own library and conference rooms and has access to services for oligonucleotide and peptide synthesis and microsequencing as well as to powerful computer and database services .
13 In a union in which both the lobon-gur solution and the rice-salt solution had been taught , LGS was also preferred over the rice-salt therapy , despite the recognition by the mothers of the fact that children treated with the latter recovered from diarrhoea and vomiting more quickly than those treated with LGS .
14 To see Dustin Hoffman playing his own song on the piano , and looking up adoringly as Sting sang — well , you do n't get many moments like that .
15 To stand on this dusky wharf , bruised by a drum of creosote , and acting not even as the convent chaplain , but as some kind of school attendance officer !
16 I 'm sure you can appreciate that people are wary about big-city developers coming in and turning everywhere upside-down because they know nothing about the area . ’
17 Wild plants growing well where never before seen , and growing very well where only found in small clumps .
18 I delighted to know that the Medau Society is flourishing and going more strongly than ever in its fortieth year .
19 Since the Carlists were unlikely to accept any kind of power-sharing arrangement , it was less a question of making a political pact with them than of imposing the desired situation on them and limiting as far as possible their capacity to reject it .
20 The next day , instead of being calm and gentle to ride , he was frightfully excited and pulling much harder than ever before .
21 The red bitch had returned , as insistent on food as ever , and limping only slightly as she trotted around , getting in the way , impeding Chola 's cooking .
22 ‘ It 's awfully good of you to have come with me , ’ he said , feeling he should apologize for something , and kicking as powerfully as possible against the fancy that he was Philip .
23 Blind with rage : I know why they say blind — I could n't see him , I could n't see anything — I did n't think what to say , I was just saying it , shouting it , fury pouring out of me like hot tar — my hands were on my hips and clinging on so as to stop myself tearing his straggly hair out , gouging his eyes out , strangling him till his voice went gurgle-croak and his body went limp .
24 Then he was back in the car and moving away almost before she 'd unlocked the door .
25 Either that or the better-heeled locals enjoy female singers wailing purposefully at their table and moving away only when handed money .
26 If I 'd been able to guess at the future , the turning point would have been right there — wheeling the ship around and moving as fast as possible away from anything to do with Fraxilly .
27 Both plays tell the universal and timeless tale of family relationships and how , when supposedly they are a place of union , harmony , love and protection , they are in fact in reality a source of discord and suffering more often than not .
28 Instinct caused him to put out both hands in an attempt to break the fall , and Ellwood was on him , the rod flailing , blood rising from Carey 's face in a thick mist of spray , the hook going into his flesh wherever it landed and ripping out again as Ellwood 's arms rose and fell , rose and fell .
29 He was sprinting for dear life across a carrot patch and doing quite well until one of the pieces caught up with him .
30 The 10-month-old Italians were said to be ‘ stable and doing as well as can be expected ’ at London 's Great Ormond Street children 's hospital .
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