Example sentences of "and [num] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Duffy won a black ball fight in the opener and took the second frame 62–40 before winning the next two easily with breaks of 35 and 57 in the third and 92 in the fourth .
2 They initiated a campaign embracing twenty-four counties and eleven of the largest towns and cities in which petitioning was combined with parliamentary initiatives .
3 You well you used to get a lovely doll for one and eleven in the old money .
4 This research will build upon the Manchester Down 's Syndrome Cohort Study , a longitudinal study of a representative sample of children with Down 's syndrome and their families , from the birth of children between 1973 and 1980 to the present time .
5 First of all I 'm looking at page three hundred and fifty in the blue book .
6 On 13 June 1991 the House of Lords ordered , pursuant to section 18 of the Legal Aid Act 1988 that the defendant 's costs before the issue of his legal aid certificate should be paid out of the legal aid fund and , pursuant to regulations 143 and 147 of the Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 , suspended the effect of that order to give the Legal Aid Board an opportunity to object .
7 Ninety-six per cent of the voters followed his lead on the first question and two-thirds on the second .
8 The locus of Z is mid-way between r f and Y and shows the sensitivity-return combination of a portfolio constructed by investing one-third of the investor 's capital in the riskfree asset and two-thirds in the risky security Y. The portfolio expected return and sensitivity may be calculated as follows :
9 Among the poor , 0.391 of the young and 0.172 of the old are prepared to break the law — a difference of +0.219 .
10 At the start of the study 70 patients in the control group and 74 in the prompted group were not currently attending a hospital eye clinic .
11 As was expected , scores were higher for both aids and amenities in the middle-class group ( 8.0 and 3.8 as opposed to 7.0 and 2.4 in the working-class group ) .
12 The total number of eligible beneficiaries was 29 in 1963 and 32 in the subsequent relevant years and they were all persons other than the two settlors .
13 A single currency may come into being in 1997 , but only if a minimum of seven countries meet the convergence conditions , and eight of the Twelve vote in favour .
14 Prior to Gore 's entry into the affair , some 75 members of Congress and eight of the erstwhile hostages had called for a full inquiry .
15 On July 30 , 12 lieutenant-generals were retired and eight of the nine leading national police commanders were dismissed .
16 Agencies need to be aware that the European Court of Human Rights , in finding the United Kingdom Government to be in breach of articles six and eight of the European convention of Human Rights in recent child care cases , cited failure to involve the parents in decision making as a factor in their judgements . ’
17 The show has failed to appear in any TV popularity charts and eight of the original cast of virtual unknowns have been axed since it began last summer .
18 The 20-ft-square Green Room is walled with dressing rooms full of Snow White , Prince Charming , the Narrator , the Gipsy Queen , Catsmeat — the Red Queen 's familiar — and eight of the Seven Dwarfs .
19 British-born Russell won by scores of 118-110 , 120-107 and 117-110 on the three judges ' cards after fighting from close quarters to negate Murphy 's height and reach advantages .
20 When this happens , the assumptions which developed during the 50s and 60s of the young person as an independent , affluent wage earner and consumer , assumptions which have already been challenged by the changes I have described here , will have to be finally cast aside .
21 The project is completed by a brief survey of the debate which took place in the 1950s and 60s over the likely impact of new production technologies .
22 There were 170,000 refugees in Croatia with an estimated additional 10,000 unregistered in the republic , and 35,000 in the Serbian area of Krajina , who , according to the Yugoslav Red Cross , had not been registered by the Croatian Red Cross .
23 Indexing the average of the twelve members as 100 , the national distribution of per capita GDP in PPSs in 1988 ranged from 121 in Luxembourg and 113 in the Federal Republic of Germany to 55 in Greece and 54 in Portugal .
24 The minority PCP government of Premier Gary Filmon , which had been in office since the April 1988 elections [ see pp. 35958-59 ] , was returned to power with 42 per cent of the vote and 30 of the 57 provincial seats .
25 In the absence of local employment alternatives which might otherwise have developed , it made between one-third and one-half of the Palestinian work-force dependent for its livelihood upon employment by Israeli enterprises .
26 Board representation for employees by way of electing between ( at the option of the company ) one-third and one-half of the supervisory directors or , alternatively , co-optation by the supervisory board subject to control by the general meeting or employees ' representatives
27 The new line ranges from the 99/711 , 721 and 731 with one , two and three processors , available next quarter , through the dyadic and two-plus-one 822 and 832 for the fourth quarter to the 941 , with four processors in single image configuration , and the 99/982 doubled-up version of that , plus two-plus-two , three-plus-two , three-plus-three and four-plus-three variants , the 942 , 952 , 962 , 972 and 982 , all to ship in the third quarter .
28 The cumulative probability of maintaining remission at six months was 0.67 after treatment with prednisolone compared with 0.28 after treatment with elemental diet , and at one year the probability of maintaining remission was 0.35 in the prednisolone group and 0.09 in the elemental diet treated group ( p<0.05 ; log rank test ) .
29 ( See November 20 and 22 for the other two films ) .
30 In the first round Havel received 79 votes in the 150-member Chamber of the People ( 11 votes short of the 90 required ) and in the 150-member Chamber of Nations ( where at least 45 votes were required from each of the Czech and Slovak groups in the Chamber , which voted separately ) he won 47 votes in the Czech and 22 in the Slovak part .
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