Example sentences of "and [num] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Next in schedule three there is provision to compensate Mr and Mrs for the extra work involved in caring for Paul , it is agreed that er since they are in the special position of course of being Paul 's carers they are , not er , I mean no disrespect to nursing but they 're not erm it is agreed that there should a deduction of twenty five percent , that would give an annual figure of two thousand , six hundred and thirty one times four will amount to ten thousand five hundred and twenty four pounds , adding these figures together , future care during schooling comes if my addition has been accurate to ninety three thousand , six hundred and fifty pounds in total .
2 There were about two hundred and fifty cadets in residence and some of them had never seen cadets from another corps .
3 The adult worms , reddish in colour and 1.0 cm in length , can be seen on close inspection of the mucosal surface .
4 Those on the Butte de Saran are on north-east and south-east-facing slopes , the best of which are between 100 and 120 metres in height .
5 O ranges between -11 and -13 PDB in concretion cements , and between 12 and -14 PDB in vein calcites .
6 Nine patients in group A ( 39% ) and eight patients in group B ( 21% ) underwent hepatic transplantation because of progressive disease ( p=0.07 ; NS ) .
7 The median duration of vomiting before admission was also similar in both groups , being seven days in group A and eight days in group B ( W=39799.5 , p=0.34 ( 95% confidence interval -2.0 to 0.0 ) ) .
8 On the final morning , South Africa were poised for victory , with 79 runs needed and eight wickets in hand .
9 On Oct. 30 five high-school students arrested during the disturbances were sentenced to between five and eight years in prison .
10 He stood unsuccessfully as a Liberal Unionist candidate for Parliament in the 1885 and 1886 elections in north Leeds and the Pudsey division of Yorkshire .
11 We have studied both macroscopically normal rectal tissue in control patients and those with familial adenomatous polyposis ( at increased risk of neoplasia ) and HT-29 cells in culture .
12 But Liberal Democrat Coun Joe Michna , who collected many of the standard letters of protest , said : ‘ Last time , we had 700 letters and 15 people in court , this time 1,000 letters and 30 people in court . ’
13 The 30,000 hectares of mudflats and marshes support 43,000 wildfowl and 79,000 waders in winter , including the entire population of Svalbard barnacle geese and important numbers of other species .
14 After exclusion of those who had been rehydrated intravenously before admission to the hospital the median duration of preoperative rehydration treatment was similar in both groups ( 21 hours in group A and 22 hours in group B ; W=35314.5 , p=0.2 ( -4.3 to 0.8 ) ) .
15 Yet despite the generally low-lying and frost-prone valleys of this region , there are some good Champagnes produced from a handful of vineyards well situated on the steeper slopes of hillsides ranging between 200 and 300 metres in height .
16 Other species that ended up in fertiliser bags included false killer whales ( a small whale about 5 metres ( 16 feet ) long and 2 tonnes in weight ) , Risso 's dolphins , and Pacific white-sided dolphins .
17 This was a large garment , about 5 metres wide and 2 metres in length .
18 In the autumn this fungus develops its winter spores , which are dark brown in colour , round , and 25–30 microns in diameter .
19 Roger , Lord North , admitted that as a subsidy commissioner he had let men off lightly in Cambridgeshire : everyone was known to be worth ten times his assessment in goods and six times in land ; some were worth twenty or thirty times their assessments .
20 The social communities and nests of bees and termites , the aquatic homes of sand grains and sticks built by caddis fly larvae , the webs and traps of spiders , the nests of some fishes , the huge pits over three feet deep and six feet in diameter of the green sea turtle , the ramifying burrows and nesting chambers of wood mice , the holes and domestic quarters of foxes , badgers , moles and rabbits , the amazing engineering feats of the dam and lodge-building beaver — all these and many more tell of an inner instinctive pattern of mental motivation lying beyond the realm of brain cells alone .
21 In the autumn of 1988 Pons had set his graduate student , Marvin Hawkins , the task of measuring heat produced in cells containing small cylindrical rods of palladium , 1 mm , 2 mm and 4 mm in diameter and 10 cm in length .
22 Nevertheless , an opinion poll taken in the first week of December gave the Alliance 37 per cent support amongst the electorate , two points ahead of the opposition Labour Party and 10 points in front of the governing National Party .
23 Marilyn L. Harrell , one of the key figures in the HUD scandal , was sentenced on June 22 to three years and 10 months in prison , and ordered to serve three years ' probation and to pay $600,000 in restitution .
24 Tipler 's description of a working time machine is a cylinder with the density of a neutron star , 100 km long and 10 km in radius , rotation twice every millisecond ( New Scientist , vol. 87 , p 654 ) , superficially , such an object would be a lot like a fast pulsar , since pulsars are thought to be rotation neutron stars , but the fastest pulsar known when Tipler made his calculations was the Crab pulsar , with a period of 30 milliseconds .
25 It apparently blew apart when the Pentrite formed a fireball of 3,000C and 10 ft in diameter .
26 In Australasia , seeds such as these germinated in North Island , New Zealand , after some time in the sea and 21 months in soil .
27 The building 's 98 rubber bearings , each between 0.5 and 0.75 metres in diameter with steel laminations and weighing 500 kilograms , attracted plenty of attention during the construction project .
28 Fasting gastrin , pepsinogen-I and -II concentrations in serum samples were similar in H pylori positive persons with no symptoms and those with duodenal ulcers suggesting that similar mechanisms are involved in increasing plasma concentrations of these variables in both populations .
29 With regard to the Bill , after 30 years at the criminal Bar and 35 years in politics , I have been driven reluctantly to the conclusion that fear is a more effective motivator of human behaviour than anything else , especially when dealing with people of ill will .
30 It appeared to confirm that the Soviet Union had not indulged in any sustained attempts to downplay the health effects , and went further by concluding that official Soviet measurements of radiation doses received by the populace were between two and three times in excess of the real amount .
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