Example sentences of "and [vb base] into a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the larva is about to shed its skin and change into a pupa ( which it does prior to emerging as a real fly ) , it exudes a sticky fluid .
2 The Willow Craft Trail reveals how willows , or ‘ withies ’ are grown and make into a variety of baskets , furniture and other long lasting items .
3 Wire netting Crumple up wire netting into a ball and push into a container .
4 Take a tiny ball of fondant and flatten into a petal shape .
5 One Friday afternoon I hand over my gauzy cream tunic and slip into a kind of butcher 's apron , epically and namelessly stained .
6 Then come to my quarters and leap into a bath .
7 Thus , the aim with most patients should be to move eventually from assessment and support into a problem-solving approach as described in Chapter 5 .
8 She suppressed a terrible desire to fold her arms and break into a hornpipe .
9 I mean it was just lifted from the scripture and and put into a prayer or whatever .
10 Yeah they 'll they 'll be taken away from their parents and put into a juvenile
11 I enjoyed my tea and glimpse into a way of life that would have been familiar to JTR .
12 Put chopped apples , sultanas , sugar , marmalade , margarine and syrup into a saucepan with 4 oz cold water .
13 Thinly slice and drop into a bowl of water and lemon juice to prevent discoloration .
14 And if minute ice crystals break away from these frozen drops and get into a monarch 's body through one of its breathing holes , they can , as it were , remind the fluid inside that it , too , should be frozen .
15 You try and get into a factory , it 's just all Indians ’ ( Cochrane and Billig , 1984 ) .
16 For the previous three years , Nottingham police forced an average 2,561 drivers a year to stop their cars , get out of them and blow into a plastic bag .
17 He watched a lizard scuttle furtively along the join between wall and ceiling , and disappear into a crevice .
18 It caused him to scuttle to the edge of the path and roll into a ball . ’
19 The second your feet touch the water you raise your knees and crumple into a ball .
20 It will then lose its external gills , develop lungs and turn into a creature that closely resembles a burrowing salamander that lives in Florida .
21 Theda , stock-still on the stairs , her heart sinking , saw the discontented features pinch and harden into a mask of sheer fury .
22 It was the sort of evening on which Lydia would normally get drunk and move into a world of her own , high-lighted by strange insights , hectically and artificially tuppence-coloured .
23 It had become quite acceptable for such a man , in his early sixties , to shift his money to safer investments , hand over the family home next to the workplace to his son , and move into a house in the suburbs from which he could maintain a benevolent but less taxing interest in family concerns .
24 Remove from freezer 30 minutes before eating and scoop into a glass bowl .
25 Take the amount of marzipan or fondant that needs to be coloured and form into a ball .
26 What he meant was they might be able to come off the building sites , and fall into a featherbed job , one in which they could wear nice suits and drive fancy cars , in return for looking after one very rich old man 's ‘ interests ’ .
27 The fear , the fear when when voyages of exploration were going out right up to the renaissance , was that the boats would actually run off the end of the earth , and fall into a void .
28 I knew the type : five years of self-employed brickying , then sell up and buy into a pub near Clacton or Southend and spend the summer serving light-and-bitter to self-employed brickies on a day out with the kids from Peckham or Deptford .
29 Cut the oranges in half crossways , squeeze to get out the juice and strain into a jug .
30 Most exciting is creation of a ‘ Bose-Einstein ’ condensate — a weird state of matter , predicted by Einstein and the Indian physicist Satyendranath Bose , where individual atoms lose their identity and merge into a kind of atomic soup .
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