Example sentences of "and [vb base] they on a " in BNC.

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1 Canon says that Still Video is an ideal medium for multimedia presentations because users can mix photographs , text and graphics on a computer , record them on a still video disk and display them on a TV .
2 The EDFAX documentations states that the program allows users to compose and edit teletext pages of information store pages of information on disk recall pages of information from disk and display them on a screen create a local electronic magazine , database or notice board develop artistic and creative skills relating to the presentation of information develop language and communication skills gain an understanding of the videotext display format .
3 Made from the latest in Polymer technology Asics Gel has the unique ability to absorb vertical impact forces and disperse them on a horizontal plane .
4 This can be done thus : take portions of a mature leaf and place them on a container of moist loam or sand and loam .
5 The procedure is to remove some of the gut contents from ‘ affected fish and place them on a microscope slide .
6 Her husband Harold was a lamplighter and when he came home from work he was obliged to take off his boots in the passage and place them on a sheet of newspaper before entering the inner sanctum .
7 There , they are likely to listen sympathetically and you may be lucky and catch them on a quiet day .
8 We bring them home , kill them , and put them on a whitethorn bush .
9 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
10 When he had gone out , she gathered up their scattered clothes then folded them tidily and put them on a chair .
11 I got half a dozen drunks and three women dressed as Mother Christmas and put them on a truck and we drove round the West End on the busiest shopping day of the year playing loud jazz and bunging up the traffic .
12 What they added was a sense of grandeur — they took blues licks and put them on a epic scale .
13 She took out her warmed mince pies and put them on a tray .
14 Just take a couple and put them on a plate !
15 A sad old woman rose from her chair , as from a dais , to take their coats and hang them on a row of hooks nailed against a wall .
16 Developed by Kodak and Philips , Photo CD allows users to store up to 100 high quality photographic images on a CD and watch them on a TV set or computer screen .
17 Well you should save the programmes you recorded and watch them on a Saturday .
18 I also heard that a party of girls from Bishop 's Home orphanage school in Rangoon had got stranded at Katha and I was able to send a telegram to Jack Cardew of the Burma Railways asking him to extricate them and get them on a train to Myitkyina .
19 He could sluice himself , shuddering , take off his clothes and scrub them on a stone kerb , then hang them one by one out of the window .
20 Although cylinder manufacturers countered effectively for some decades , first with moulding techniques and later with finer grooves , the overwhelming simplicity of being able to press thousands of copies of disc records and play them on a simple machine eventually told in the disc 's favour .
21 She can listen to TV tunes once and play them on a piano with one hand and on an accordion with the other .
22 So they are , in a sense ( to be disputed on other grounds in a later chapter ) , but they are also molecules , and it is possible for human chemists to purify them , bottle them and store them on a shelf .
23 Spread this mixture on to the whole mushrooms and arrange them on a baking sheet or in a fireproof dish .
24 Take about three bananas , and cut them up and arrange them on a plate in four pieces to look like a monster .
25 Last July Aileen Penn and her family set off on a sponsored marathon round of golf that was destined to criss-cross the country and take them on a 1,000 mile bicycle ride .
26 I have stopped myself from saying anything as my daughter 's children live round the corner and I have them to stay overnight and take them on a Saturday but they are no bother .
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