Example sentences of "and [vb base] they in [art] " in BNC.

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1 David Hunt from Downing Street told Lascelles that Ramsey had been known to stop in a procession , send for a pair of trousers to replace the wrong ones which he had put on by mistake , and change them in the middle of the aisle .
2 They form a component of some social stratification systems simply because members of those systems select certain characteristics and evaluate them in a particular way .
3 First of all , he could borrow dollars from the Fritz Bank and sell them in the spot market for DMs .
4 At one time we kept pigs and used to feed them up with the waste food and sell them in the market .
5 In the absence of transactions costs and the option premium this series of contracts would permit the investor to buy the shares at 220p from the writer and sell them in the market for 237p thus gaining a gross profit of 17p per share .
6 The map user can select features of interest from the digital map and display them in a way that is suited to his or her requirements .
7 When they did n't have a gang to fight they 'd run after me , take off my trousers and hide them in a bush .
8 Us kids were highly amused at all this , but I was distracted from the fun by Frankie who suggested that we gather up the bottles and hide them in the washhouse before they all got broken .
9 That has never been seen as a constituent of self regulation , and I doubt whether any government would be willing to divert so many responsibilities already assigned to other existing bodies ( for example , the Medical Research Council and the Committee on Safety of Medicines ) — better qualified to carry them out — and concentrate them in the GMC alone under the sole control of the profession .
10 To solve a problem the student must recall the relevant concepts and rules and combine them in a way that satisfies the principles of good practice .
11 We will now develop these themes and combine them in a systematic way to construct an improved understanding of the relationship between daily life and the nation state .
12 Linguists belonging to the Prague School by and large conflate the two structures and combine them in the same description .
13 " We 're going to carry the yew berries home in our mouths and eat them in the great burrow .
14 Involvement of the public would not only affirm the fact that these are issues for all of us , but would also educate people as to the range and limitations of existing therapies , and involve them in the decisions to be made in the light of this .
15 though this a bit rich and observed that it was the study 's authors who proposed , in effect , to remove directors ' responsibilities for judgmental matters and vest them in an omniscient panel of assessors .
16 Actually what I 'll do is wait until the Autumn , take a big stick , but send Andy up there and knock them in the bag .
17 The letter expressed the CPSU 's ‘ deep anxiety for the fate of socialism in Poland ’ , regretted that the necessary measures had not been taken against domestic anti-Soviet and anti-socialist forces , and called upon the Polish party to ‘ reverse the course of events and channel them in the right direction ’ .
18 Spread the nachips with a thickish layer of refried beans and place them in a grill pan on a rack .
19 Peel , halve and core them and place them in a saucepan … cover with the wine and a broken cinnamon stick and heat until barely simmering … wash the monkfish and pat dry with kitchen paper … just as the liquid begins to caramelise , add the lemon juice and stir vigorously … reduced to a quarter of its original volume … add the cubes one at a time … thread the piece of monkfish … reserving the liquid … baste the fruit continuously … intersperse with pears … hand the sauce separately …
20 Using colouring , draw the face of each of the cards and place them in a fan on top of the cake .
21 Remove the yolks and place them in a dish with mayonnaise and onions and beat them with a fork .
22 Drain the beans and place them in a saucepan to cover with water .
23 Cut the mackerel fillets into cubes and place them in a large bowl .
24 I cut them in half , discarding the pointed end for the moment and place them in a seed tray or wooden tomato box on layers of newspaper , narrow ends uppermost .
25 Scrape out the pips and use a melon baller or teaspoon to scoop out small ball of the melon flesh and place them in a bowl .
26 You attach your receipt to the cash voucher and place them in the cash box .
27 They had crossed the market , the shopping centre , passed the churches , chapels , religious meeting rooms , fighting to outdo each other and against the countless bars ; even hoping through the wave of religious revival , and the example set by the Queen herself , that they would eventually withdraw sinners from the flames of hell-fire and place them in the arms of the Lord .
28 The new edition of the Oxford Placement Tests now gives you everything you need to test your students , mark their papers , and place them in the right class with accuracy and efficiency .
29 If this is not practical , you could try cooking a chicken to eat cold over several days ; but once it is cooked , divide it up into the meal portions you require , and place them in the freezer or refrigerator as appropriate .
30 From this point of view , a budget is expected to state clearly the purposes of expenditures and provide them in a from that will be useful for legislative action .
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