Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adv] the same " in BNC.

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1 We say " the same man " and mean numerically the same human person ; and we say " the same colour " and mean a quality that can be possessed or exemplified by different individuals .
2 I would have trusted him to be here at this discussion and say much the same things other people here would be saying .
3 Gedge 's approach to stagecraft was largely to ignore all the rules and act almost the same way as he did off stage .
4 I go and sit beside him on his boxes and feel much the same as he does .
5 There are county players who average 35–40 and do exactly the same in Tests .
6 I 'm in the same position as she is and share exactly the same sentiments .
7 From the same console , log in to the other two servers and follow exactly the same procedures , except that you type login rbg-2/supervisor and login rbg/supervisor , using the other passwords supplied .
8 Cut-ins , in which a close-up detail of something within the main shot is used , are similar to cutaways and serve much the same purpose .
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