Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and make quite a bit of money
2 Under these circumstances , it is not surprising that objective measurements are not commonplace in clinical practice and remain largely a research tool .
3 I find the textual basis for this interpretation very flimsy , in fact there is clear erm erm erm textual evidence for precisely the opposite and let me cite erm one instance Locke is here talking about tacit consent and the purchase of property and erm he says whenever the owner who has given nothing but such a tacit consent to the government will by donation , sale or otherwise quit the said possession , he is at liberty to go and incorporate himself into any other commonwealth or to agree with others to begin a new one in any part of the world they can find free and unpossessed whereas he that has once by actual agreement in any expressed declaration given his consent to be of any commonwealth is perpetually and indispensably obliged to be and remain unalterably a subject to it and can never be again in the liberty of the state of nature .
4 And behold , thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son , and shalt call his name Jesus .
5 it is , I said I 've given you a lot of time in the holidays and what have you come in and now you 're making a big song and dance about an hour and she said oh I 'm sorry I did n't mean to speak to you like that , but she did , she was just plain rude and really quite nasty , eh she should of yeah , and she should of told me that I was n't , becomes taking a lunch break and then she said well you could of taken half an hour , I said you did n't tell me well I said to her Matt rung up this morning and said to you , surveyor 's coming up to , at four o'clock , he wants both of us to be there so we know which way the windows will be and all the rest of it , just bear in mind , now I said to her I know it 's short notice but can I please go at four o'clock , she said yeah it is short notice but yeah no problem come in at eight o'clock tomorrow morning as a joke and then she totally changed her attitude when she came back from her thing mm yeah oh yeah that was nice of her well I said to her , I said to her oh I said to her look she would take
6 Beneath the castle he proposes to open a bay in the woods and build there a cottage that ‘ will give an air of cheerfulness and inhabitancy to the scene which would without it be too sombre , because the castle tho ’ perfectly in character with the solemn dignity of the surrounding woods , increases rather than relieves the apparent solitude ’ .
7 And cut quite a bit off the top
8 Plants such as shepherd 's needles , pheasant 's eye , corn gromwell , corn cockle and mousetail flourish in farmland that is lightly tilled and cut once a year .
9 He was dropping one of his tools and let forth a number of obscenities .
10 Bob caught her by the shoulder and used his own to wipe her face , while John turned on the woman and let loose a volley of dismissive French .
11 Alan Clayson 's attempt to paint a clearer picture is severely hampered by Harrison 's refusal to co-operate , thus leaving Clayson to read every press clipping , interview anyone who ever knew him , and cobble together a book out of it .
12 Alan Clayson 's attempt to paint a clearer picture is severely hampered by Harrison 's refusal to co-operate , thus leaving Clayson to read every press clipping , interview anyone who ever knew him , and cobble together a book out of it .
13 So , I wonder whether er , as ari er , a matter arising out of this , erm er , the director of education could , erm er , perhaps address this issue and put forward a paper to the next education committee .
14 In the face of the dreadful attacks on police officers , the Home Office should have put together an urgent review team which should have incorporated other Departments and put forward a package of measures .
15 The League 's leader , Umberto Bossi , announced on Nov. 27 that with his party now occupying 14 seats on the 50-seat city council — one more than any other party — he intended to appoint a mayor and put together a coalition adminstration .
16 Much to our confusion , the entire boat crew is Polish and speak scarcely a word of English .
17 Rhoda would open the tin and foil once a week or at least once a fortnight before Christmas to soak the cloth with more bourbon before resealing it .
18 Friedrich Engels singled out the river Aire in Leeds and the Irk in Manchester for special mention : ‘ In dry weather , a long string of the most disgusting , blackish-green slime pools are left standing on this bank , from the depth of which bubbles of miasmatic gas constantly arise and give forth a stench unendurable . ’
19 It is revealing , for example , to compare Engels ' description of Manchester courts close to the Irk , ‘ from the depths of which bubbles of miasmatic gas constantly arise and give forth a stench unendurable ’ , with Mrs Gaskell 's account of a Manchester court in Mary Barton .
20 What could be more appropriate at Christmas than to remember children who have been deserted by their mothers and know only a hospital as home .
21 But also you can get , you know you , you sometimes you can fall lucky and get quite a lot of prices from cold calling as much as reviewing this one little , renewing every , every six weeks and trying to think of something to say that you have n't said before , like I had n't told you or Pete , you know , things like that .
22 The answer is to have the neighbour only feed and visit once a week .
23 The songs are carefully arranged , played with the anonymous perfection we 've come to expect from people like the Floyd , and last about a quarter of an hour .
24 WHAT : Visits may be weekly or fortnightly and last about an hour , on a one-to-one basis in the prisoner 's cell ; all conversations are confidential .
25 So the believing in religion with , with moral codes , particularly in those religions which have rather strict moral codes , and demand quite a lot from the believer , in terms of adherence to the er , to the moral law even those religions can be explained in terms of Freud 's transference theory , because that too , comes from childhood .
26 They cost more to start with , but last up to eight times as long , and use only a quarter of the energy .
27 the conventional , derogatory association of the female sex with nature and flesh have been reversed , and become instead a newfoundland
28 The negative value attached to bodily traces , processes , imprints , and the conventional , derogatory association of the female sex with nature and flesh have been reversed , and become instead a newfoundland , a reservoir , a resource .
29 Rot on the vine ’ ) , its heedlessness ( ‘ with careless hand ’ ) , and its enervation ( its land is ‘ tired ’ , its conquest of that terrain ‘ unmanned ’ ) — that he would like if he could to unravel the threads of history , and become again a citizen of that Old World which his ancestors should never have left .
30 Unable to reconcile their view of education with the form of schooling they are now required to deliver , they have regretfully had to turn off the tap , and substitute instead a tape-loop of the sound of running water .
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