Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pers pn] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 They will understand me too quickly ; they will turn my own generosity against me and despise me for the lovers I took ; and they will cast me as the woman who briefly threatened to interfere with the writing of the books which they have enjoyed reading .
2 When will the right hon. Gentleman give that consistency and leadership to the police and back them for a change ?
3 Regina Royal Ginseng and Regina Evening Primrose Oil take those two remarkable natural substances and combine them for the first time with Regina 's fresh Royal Jelly .
4 The corridors of the BBC are long and pea-green ( the 1984 setting of Orwell 's book , reputedly ) , and I followed a uniformed attendant through and round them for the obligatory ten miles before happening upon Studio B10 .
5 For now , Therapy ? are at the start of their first proper American jaunt , glad to take a break from the pressures of Britain and their debut major label release , and swap them for the promotional chores of the States .
6 One of the beefs I have about accommodation for elderly people is the fact that by , that the purpose built , very excellent , bungalows and flats for elderly citizens are restricted to one bedroom which , to which but is by government decree to keep the cost down , but it does seem to me to be very heartless because elderly people 's children are unable to come and stay with them except to the great deal of discomfort and perhaps as society grows a little more considerate for the fact that the percentage of elderly people will get even greater as the years go on , then they should make allowance and provide them for the facilities to enable them to be visited by their children and grandchildren .
7 I 'll cut him up small and fry him for the kids ' breakfast .
8 We gave our permission that the women should gather up the dead and give them burial according to the fashion of this people — ‘ t is said they strip the flesh and griddle it for a delicacy beforetimes , but I for one do not give this credence .
9 and we 'll sort it out ourselves and what they do , if a customer says oh there 's a phone that 's broke , or it 's not working or something like that , they 'll say oh okay we 'll get in touch with the maintenance for you , you see , cos he 's making nowt out of it , if you say we dropped the phone and broke it , well we 'll send a and then they send an engin one of their blokes out with a replacement phone and charge him for a new one , once they say wants some re-programming doing , oh yeah were sending an engineer round and they get , the dealer then gets the money for it so all we get is the flack end of it you know so we , a service contract it 's priced because , low because you know you 're gon na make a bit on moves and changes
10 She would have liked to take the girl in her arms and hold her for a long time .
11 The Scots word ‘ gillie ’ , referring to a stable-boy whose job it is to settle a pony and hold it for a child to ride , is derived from the fey and solitary ghillie dhu .
12 Think yourself into it and hold it for a while .
13 Put it in a box in your guitar case and save it for a rainy day .
14 A crowd of eager customers would be awaiting his arrival outside the shops and attack him for the particular colour , size or style of dress they had been waiting for .
15 I should n't be surprised if Hollywood sends a plane to bomb the Indians and punish them for the death of Matt .
16 Or , it would build 21 district hospitals and run them for a year .
17 Little mini and run it for a year , run the engine ru non stop for a year and it 's going to use quite a few gallons .
18 If we take our budget-fixing example and examine it for a moment , we realise that two separate things may be going on .
19 He shall feel the ground give under him , if only once , he shall fall , and men shall see him fall , and know him for a man like other men .
20 When the Shah and Empress received Marenches , he told them that the ayatollah had sent kidnappers to seize Hassans family and bargain them for the Shah .
21 in the end , Graham decided to donate the tank , equipment and fish and maintain it for the hospital free of charge .
22 So beautiful is this emotion that some scientists and poets regard it as the elixir of life and pursue it for no other reason .
23 You may decide that this is not the sort of fish for a small tank and exchange it for a more suitable species .
24 He believed that the teachings of Christ gather together the wisdom of the ages into one source , and present it for the ‘ uneducated ’ along with a few miracles in order to win their attention and support ( much as the outlaw in the Western uses his gun in order to win an audience in a crowded saloon bar ) .
25 Under these circumstances , all you can do is try to re-align the board on the artwork and expose it for a further period , but you may well have to scrap that attempt and start again with a freshly-coated board .
26 Rebuild the Roman villa and use it for a hydro and health farm .
27 If you come across a taxi token , pick it up and use it for a free taxi ride to any part of the city .
28 Interestingly , many modern fish have kept their pocket single , and use it for a completely different purpose .
29 Like my man in Hampstead , he does n't trust people to collect money and use it for the purpose they say they will .
30 of the population the £26.2 billion that they have had in tax cuts and use it for the national health service , pensioners , schools and all the social services .
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