Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pers pn] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 So although this is fifty pence when you show it on here the fir so the first thing we 've got to do is change this fifty pence to get away from fifty pence or thirty pence or twenty and change it into a fraction .
2 He had it all worked out : the hand over her mouth , the knife under her eyes , and drag her into the dark shed .
3 Wash and dry the leaves and tear them into a salad bowl .
4 Headed by Barry White , Area Sales Manager and aided and abetted by Sales Managers Colin Harrison and Bob Harris , the brief was to take these sales-hungry technicians and introduce them into the intricacies involved in a sales career .
5 For the electronically minded , the easiest method is to obtain a 25 Kohm volume control from a radio spares shop , mount this in a metal box to screen it from hum pick-up , and connect it into the audio dub line .
6 So be able to produce er a press release of some description , or some information , that is reasonably literate , then , and it 's reasonable pertinent to the area that they 're th associated with , then they may lift a good deal of it , perhaps not all of it , and plop it into the newspaper .
7 You do n't take a monkey and make it into a mountain .
8 He says we need to get private cars out of the city centre and make it into a place which is safe for pedestrians and cyclists , not polluted and where the buildings are n't being torn apart by traffic .
9 I think , I bet , I think you could wear it or put a belt round and make it into a it might not be , you can tuck it under , you know , put , like a blouse effect .
10 And so , when you come to the bible and you read the account of Jesus here on the earth , turning the water into wine , of Jesus stilling the storm , when you into the old testament and you read accounts there of the children of Israel , of the me , of the tremendous miracles that were performed by Jehovah , God for them well of course , there 's a natural explanation to it , because you ca n't do these things , there are natural laws that stop you doing them you can not take a glass of water , even if you 're God , you can not take it and make it into a glass of wine instantly , it 's got natural processes to go through .
11 Buy a caravan with a horse , maybe , and try and make it into an adventure .
12 The champions have to overturn a daunting 3-0 deficit at Elland Road tomorrow night if they are to get past Stuttgart and make it into the European Cup second round .
13 Pot up a hew clumps and bring them into the kitchen .
14 ‘ Tack up Red Flag , Seashell , Parky and Joe and bring them into the school , ’ she ordered , and the little girls fled away , while Miss Bedwelty gave her new pupils another of her withering stares .
15 ‘ If we 're acting for the smaller firm it invariably happens , and if and when we 're acting for the larger firm we always identify the key partners in the smaller firm and bring them into the new management team , ’ Mr Llambias reveals .
16 He believes it should take the parts of our lives that are most sore , most hurtful , most unspoken , most taboo and bring them into the public sphere .
17 And after the harvester they would take in those big tramp coles and bring them into the big hay stack .
18 As with the Cel Editor , you may import a number of different image file types to form your background , and may , indeed , find that you prefer to work on backgrounds in another package altogether , and bring them into the Background Editor only to convert them to the Device Independent Bitmap ( DIB ) format that is native to the package .
19 Hours in the swamp and when they were going all thick and heavy there , he used to go round about October , just for that one day , and shoot as much as he could , and bring them into the mansion .
20 Cameron wondered if it would be possible to raise the matter with him again , and bring him into a more realistic frame of mind , before the soldiers came .
21 It screeches to a halt beside me , three guys get out , blindfold me , tie me hand and foot and bundle me into the van .
22 Work the oil and all the aromatics into a paste and rub it into the meat , pushing it well into the cuts .
23 ‘ If you mix the stuff with an absorption agent like DMSO and rub it into the skin it would get into the system within half an hour .
24 Damp a piece of towel or old fashioned sacking in warm water and rub it into the horse 's coat in a circular motion , rinsing it in another bucket before repeating the process .
25 If you are stung , mix a paste of vinegar and salt , and rub it into the sting .
26 Now you 're limited to about three hundred and three hundred three hundred and forty K of conventional memory , and you ca n't increase that , you ca n't , yo you can buy more memory , and instal it into the P C , but er , you ca n't increase your conventional memory available to your spreadsheet , much more than , let's say about three hundred and forty K approximately .
27 Three children , aged between four and seven , scream as uniformed East Berlin police drag them and their mother off and push them into a lorry as they stand outside the US embassy in East Berlin , hoping desperately to get inside .
28 Repeat this procedure with the apples if they do not already have stems and push them into the cane
29 Start with small sprigs of the foliage that will form the body of the arrangement and push them into the foam at random to make a fairly even shape , as seen from all sides .
30 Now we , we come out with plants and push them into the ground straight away do n't we ?
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