Example sentences of "and [vb base] [Wh adv] [adv] it " in BNC.

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1 Nobody could possibly offer a definite answer to this and say how long it may take to fully overcome anxiety and stress problems .
2 They claim that this learning operates throughout life , and emphasize how early it starts : ‘ the little girl is praised and encouraged to exploit her cuteness .
3 I am often upset when people approach British Rail on the safety issue and ask how much it would cost to do the job properly .
4 Just consider the idea that fear is a hungry creature that wants to feed off our energy and see how easily it has trained us to provide that nourishment at the push of an idea .
5 All right , lad , we will act stupid and see how far it takes us .
6 If my mother wants me off the Project , she can damn well go through channels and see how far it gets her . ’
7 No , cos it 's , you just watch somebody smack a ball as hard as they can with the one wood and see how far it goes .
8 ‘ he put them on the shelf and said , ‘ Let's watch over them and see how long it takes to sell them ’ .
9 So what , we 'd have to make sure it was exactly the right , the same amount and , in the same flame and the same and see how long it took and whatever took the longest went I du n no whatever ?
10 ‘ It would have been a fascinating exercise to auction it on the free market and see how much it got , though ’ , said Maître Binoche .
11 Second , you need to master the geography of your college and learn how long it takes to get to and from various locations .
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