Example sentences of "and [vb base] [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They therefore rarely see ‘ the complete picture ’ and tend to lose track of an issue once discussion of it has been concluded .
2 I mean in my opinion that 's a good thing , but it 's had the effect of school governors , not having had any training in appointing people , have this sort of stereotyped model in their mind and tend to give promotion to men rather than to women .
3 Worse still , Moscow appeared willing to exploit to the full the unstable post-war conditions , probing western defences in Germany and the Middle East , blessing the Chinese revolution ( 1949 ) , supporting the invasion of South Korea by the communist North ( 1950 ) , and seeking through force , demagogy and sabotage to spread Communism across the undeveloped world .
4 This preference is shown up in growing governmental preference for the many variants of NFI , in which a local enterprise associates with a foreign partner ( or sometimes with two as in Brazil where Tintas Renas teamed up with both ICI and Dupont to produce paint for the local market ) .
5 If the Socialists are tactful and want to win favour with the centre-right , there will be no clean-out in June .
6 If you use range on the from file to copy it , you may change that file , save and forget to range value to a different range .
7 ‘ You said it was hardly in accord with your rank and honour to make use of the oath of fealty to lure a man treacherously to his death .
8 Thus a person who carries on a VAT exempt business ( such as a bookmaker , dentist , doctor , funeral director or registered nursing home ) might deliberately start a small-scale taxable business and hope to take advantage of the rules .
9 He 'll make Heathcliff pay rent , and hope to win money from him at cards .
10 Additionally , they are working closely with local teachers to provide information packs , videos and talks for school children about the work underway , and hope to add construction to the curriculum of schools in the area .
11 They are usually created by local government , but have wide representation from financial and development sectors , and hope to obtain funding through European money , Derelict Land Grant , City Grant , and so on .
12 The event might not have any obvious long-term adverse significance and may in fact have seemingly positive rather than negative features , such as the reappearance and request to renew contact with a lover with whom a person had had an intense relationship a few years earlier .
13 Firstly , if you misuse your free will and seek to gain power over another human being or you act falsely for your own gain and let your own desires blind you .
14 Most clients who require the sale and purchase to run side by side , will be worried about ending up with no house at all , or two houses .
15 We must look at the fear with our eyes and heart , and begin to bring calm to the storm of our emotions .
16 Do not leave a room until you have completed your notes and sketches , and remember to pay attention to any damp or cracks around the chimney breasts .
17 INDIA has long had terrorists who kill and maim to secure secession for various of its 25 states .
18 Almost certainly more important are the forces that moulded provision and continue to give impetus to further development .
19 During this time , offerings are made to the gods and to ancestors in the hope that they will be pleased by such bounty and continue to send prosperity throughout the coming year .
20 This continuity is hardly to be wondered at when it is remembered that precious substances have attracted and continue to attract interest by reason of their inherent qualities .
21 Their bodies seem unable to sense a high intake and continue to manufacture cholesterol in excess of requirements .
22 The joint training programme has been extremely important , and nice to mention that we 've trained , on a joint basis , over three thousand people , in the er , use of the new arrangements development of the assessment er , procedures and continue to provide training to people where it 's , where it 's essential .
23 There are , therefore , a few sub-contractors who may choose to work exclusively in this sector and continue to avoid detection by the Inland Revenue .
24 ‘ One hint , do n't be so coy with the men you deal with , they might misconstrue your intentions and try to take advantage of you . ’
25 They usually deal with the situation in one of two ways — they patronise you and try to take control on the assumption that you must need their guidance to do a decent job ; or they undermine you by making obscene remarks and deliberately causing problems .
26 You do n't need to treat every dialogue in the same way anyway , so keep that kind of work for audio materials and try to use video for the work it is best suited for .
27 I 'd like you to put up there for a few days , and try to scrape acquaintance with her .
28 Pass any through the serpent 's coils , And try to lay claim to the spoils .
29 Quietly , choosing my time , I shall make my way to the Garden Tower and try to gain access to the upper chamber . ’
30 Alternatively the parents may use the child as a pawn in their battles and try to gain allegiance from the child ( Minuchin 1974 ; , Barker 1986 ) .
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