Example sentences of "and [det] was [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Garbo , Garland , Gardner , Garson and Gable were there — and that was just the Gs — but the old grey Mayer was n't what he used to be , and he had been ousted from MGM by the time Nicholson arrived as a messenger boy .
3 And that was just the first shampoo !
4 And that was just the second post . ’
5 Chapman did not score over the three games and that was probably the biggest single practical reason — among many — why we did so well .
6 And that was probably the main complaint overall was the noise in the small hours .
7 Then I should think you came up here , and that was probably the first time you realised what had happened .
8 Influenced by our strong local-government showing in Birmingham and the Midlands , I advised June and that was clearly the majority view .
9 Eventually he bent over and told the Head Girl to kick him ; she was amazed but she did so — just stepped forward and kicked him and that was exactly the step he wanted .
10 It 's , I mean he played very well DaSilva I think , but in a completely different mode to the first innings , he was purely set on trying to save the game , trying to battle with , I think he did n't bowl very well , had n't bowled very many short balls in the day and that was perhaps the first one he 's had to receive and er he was caught in two minds really .
11 Drama must , perforce , have an ultimate target and destination and that was always the Clarion call to the earlier distinguished folk who trod these boards .
12 For example taking out the forward looking infra-red , infra-red search and track , taking out the the M I D S , the multiple information distribution system and certain aspects of the er defensive aids , to see what impact that would have and we found that if we removed any one of those erm then we would either come down to parity against potential threat or possibly er inferiority and that was really the supporting evidence to retain the full capability .
13 Sometimes it 's just because we want our curiosity satisfied , and that was obviously the case with Nicodemus .
14 Of course Cagney was a marvellous showman and that was precisely the point , for audiences had shown a predilection for zest and sharpness and a new kind of urban charm and Hollywood was quite prepared to exploit these qualities in its own way .
15 She wagged dutifully but I could sense she was somewhat overwhelmed — and that was only the staff !
16 And that was only the beginning .
17 But the Hall of Light faded , and the impression of great elegance and immense silence and a drifting unfamiliar scent faded , and he was falling forward and there was some kind of cell waiting for him , and this was surely the end of everything , and this was surely all he could ever expect anywhere in the entire world …
18 After one year , one would expect that out of these five those in the action sample would be happier than those in the control about the continued home care ; and this was clearly the case .
19 These were years of housing shortage and this was frequently the reason .
20 And we 've now reached a situation in which there 's something over twenty percent of our streets is multiple occupation , erm and this is noise and other activities in relation to that are the things that cause the sort of low level of concern , and this was just the peak on top of that of major aggravation .
21 And this was also the drug that caused British weightlifters Andrew Saxton and Andrew Davies to be booted out of the Barcelona Olympics .
22 The middle third yielded a mean score of 54 per cent and this was also the overall mean score .
23 It emerged that in the magistrates ' courts the distribution of sentences did not differ greatly between Blacks and Whites , and this was also the case in the Crown Court .
24 I think that 's what Priest , I mean I do n't know , Priest probably has a whole history of how he got is Esquire style , but Vincent went over there and had something to do with it , and I really think that taking the old style stuff and giving it a new spin helped , and the difference between what we 're doing and what the California crowd was doing — and this was also the time of punk rock — was that we were using traditional typefaces and they were
25 The weapon was an air-pistol with a barrel extending to 7½ inches , and this was probably the kind of ‘ toy ’ most commonly available to youths .
26 Thus while philanthropic work was for some integral to their feminist beliefs , for others it represented merely a diversion from household cares , a sublimation of other desires , or , and this was probably the most common motivation , a socially acceptable way for both married women and their daughters to engage in purposeful work .
27 Work of considerable quality and international interest was now produced in significant quantities in central and eastern Europe , and most notably in Russia , and this was probably the most striking change in the ‘ academic ’ map of the western world in our period , though no history of science in this period can be written without reference to some eminent North Americans , notably the physicist Willard Gibbs ( 1839–1903 ) .
28 Individual rebels , talking much later to the American press , would sometimes profess to be ‘ born again ’ , and this was presumably the hint North was taking .
29 The second area where Teetotalism strengthened the Anglo-American bond lay in visits between leaders from both countries and this was especially the case with the Rev. Lyman Beecher who visited England in 1846 and stayed with the publisher , John Cassell , in his St John s Wood house .
30 ‘ We looked through all the books and this was still the one we liked best , ’ they explain .
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