Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To go through it sometimes and change it old people like to do that .
2 If , in Lady Chatterley 's Lover , the scales were to fall from Connie 's eyes and she were to see the worship of Mellor 's phallus for what it is , a means of subordinating and oppressing women , she could free herself and develop her authentic will , ego and individuality .
3 The first and second years of the course give students a thorough grounding in basic musicianship and develop their practical skills .
4 In some areas fundholders had formed liaison groups and were meeting regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise .
5 Our ‘ post-heroic leader ’ will allow others to take responsibility , develop their own skills , solve their own problems and develop their own goals .
6 On one occasion when Reagan , at short notice , addressed an audience of between three and four thousand teachers As a GE spokesman Reagan had the opportunity to hone his oratorical skills , and develop his political ideas .
7 He has been to Taiwan on two or three occasions and it was his idea that we come to New Zealand and develop our forward play ’ , said Lin .
8 ‘ We intend to develop our regional research which is based on our corporate activity and develop our corporate finance capability . ’
9 I distance myself from the position and the policy of the President and advocate his immediate resignation [ and ] the handing over of power to a collective body , the Federation Council . "
10 But ships are too valuable to lie idle for very long , and Robert barely had a month in which to re-acquaint himself with his new wife and pat his young infants on the head before he was leaving John Street and Stepney again — through Limehouse into Poplar and aboard the Orynthia in West India Dock .
11 It is time to take account of that difference between perceiving from ‘ Now ’ and ‘ I ’ and imagining from other viewpoints which we have so far put aside as irrelevant.4 Although one can respond with some awareness to remote or hypothetical situations , and evaluate them sub specie aeternitatis , everyone 's actual choices of ends are of course confined to his own present and future and to his effective scope of action .
12 Within the TSB system , models are available to help managers : test the effect on manpower of changes in systems and working methods ; evaluate the effects of changes such as alteration in hours of work , holiday entitlement , sickness patterns and incidence of training ; test the effect of changes in personnel policies such as recruitment , promotion , retirement , grading , career development ; analyse wastage and evaluate its likely effect on staffing : plan recruitment and training in the most cost effective way .
13 They can write at home , they can write after school , they can read it to each other and I think this is tremendous benefit where they 're open with each other too and can discuss round the table and evaluate their own work .
14 I would warn the House , and repeat my earlier point , that Mr. Beck had qualifications .
15 If we assume that this ratio is stable and repeat our earlier point that banks will normally be looking to expand their lending as a source of profit , then it follows fairly obviously that a change in the availability of base money to banks must be matched by a change in the size of the total balance sheet and that this latter change must be some multiple of the change in the size of the base .
16 we build our spindly cities on , and plant and tend our perishable groves
17 In his third camp , Eichstatt , in spite of the crowded and stressful conditions , he managed with the help of the Red Cross and some accountant brother-officers to study for and sit his final accountancy examinations while actively preparing for his escape .
18 POSITION TWO : From the squat , push your right heel into the ground and squeeze your left buttock as you push and lift your left leg behind you .
19 On the way to my next appointment with Denis King , a piano and some Joyce Grenfell songs , I stopped at a nearby theatre to smile winsomely at the box office boys in the hope that they 'd recognize me , in spite of my Titian disguise , and sell me some tickets for their sell-out play .
20 Both terms are allowed to be used on the label by all Champagne manufacturers , although in general only growers who make and sell their own Champagne take advantage of this .
21 The Indian Patents Act of 1970 prohibits patenting of life forms and , the farmers argue , protects their traditional rights to produce , modify and sell their own seeds .
22 Come and tickle its tiny toes and admire its baby-blue eyes !
23 Even so , a perfectly-sighted Ted can suffer with streaming eyes for several reasons during the fall , so best play safe and make him some goggles from a pop bottle , as shown opposite .
24 How far this will work depends on how far we can inject into cross-curricular work the essence of our ideas and make them genuine focuses of our work ( and not peripheral elements ) .
25 Would it be a proper recognition of the quality of their teaching and administrative staff to accept their judgment of academic standards absolutely and make them mature degree awarding bodies ?
26 ‘ It 's heat-stroke — Rosette , you 'd better get her a long cool drink , go and make her some lemonade . ’
27 The Sports Council have to follow Government Policy and make everyone self financing and self sufficient you will no doubt read int he press and hear through the media about many similar cases , it is a case for grave concern and efforts will be made to seek the support of many people who applaud our type of work and so give the world of Movement and Dance the benefit of their experience and support .
28 The parties ( or elites ) must be allowed to publish their programmes and make their competing claims to office ; the elector must be able to question them , and voice his or her doubts or support .
29 Soon , behind a barricade of shields and of steel , the helpless ships were drawn off , and the rest of the crippled fleet began to come in , two by two , and make their proper landings .
30 Some adults make the choice to live on their own after they have tried various shared living arrangements and discovered that they prefer to be in control of their own life and make their own rules .
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