Example sentences of "and [vb base] [pron] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The suggestion was made that there should be community discussions with LEDU , that West Belfast people , in the absence of ideas from the IDB , are going to have to come up with their own ideas and develop them in conjunction with the universities , industrialists , and so on .
2 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
3 Then you strip it of its bark and , while the wood is still green and supple , you bend back the thin limbs and bind them in place with string , When you 've done that you have to leave it on a drying rack above the fire for … oh , I suppose about three months .
4 The man 's trembling want of her made her feel that speck grow into a force ; she began to enjoy denying him , then permitting him again , she used her strength to grip and pin him and squeeze him in parts that made him cry out , to gouge and scratch his pale , thin flesh , she fortified him with tisanes that make men what was called in her language ‘ cross ’ , and gave him leaves to chew to stay his excitement so she could explore the crustacean pinkness of his flesh and turn her curiosity and its tinge of disgust to a form of power over him which gave her pleasure .
5 HEINZ : When Henry Heinz was 16 he began to dry and grate horseradish and sell it in glass bottles — with a reckless money-back guarantee .
6 Since all private truck owners are now allowed to bring food from Hiratan and sell it in Kabul , some militia commanders , most of them former mujahedin , are buying trucks and becoming traders .
7 It hopes to adapt the life of the electronic control gear to the life of the lamp so that it becomes a throwaway item and bring it in line with the ‘ convenience purchase ’ of the coiled-coil lamp .
8 ‘ If you want to include unusual information , like environmental data , pipeline data , bathymetry , topography or any remotely-sensed data , Arc has the ability to handle all these and display them in colour . ’
9 She had the state collect painting , carpets , silver , jewellery and ceramics , and display them in museums created especially by her .
10 If human communication were a simple matter of reciprocally exchanged words , if words had no resonances beyond themselves , I might have been proud to be cast in such a role , and either self-confident enough in my ability to fulfil it , or else realistic enough to modify my directives and declare myself in favour of some more modest role .
11 Some of these royal gifts presented the warden with a formidable task : in December 1238 the sheriff of Essex and Richard de Munfichet , warden of the forest of Essex , were ordered to take alive in the forest 120 bucks and does for the Count of Flanders , put them in cages , and transport them in carts to the Thames , where Raymond Ruffus , a yeoman of the king , was to have a ship ready to take them to Flanders .
12 Together , every few weeks we 'd dismantle the rig and transport it in sections a few hundred miles through swamps and desert and forest .
13 People risked everything to help escapers and want nothing in return .
14 Mould these pieces and glue them in place .
15 Fusilli al Forno alla Rebecca 6 ounces cannelini beans 12 ounces fusilli 8 ounces frozen peas 500ml good tomato sauce 500ml thinnish bechamel 3 ounces Pecorino or mature cheddar , grated Soak the beans and cook them in water or chicken stock until just soft ; drain them and heat gently in the tomato sauce , Preheat the oven to 400 ( gas mark 6 ) and butter a shallow casserole or gratin dish .
16 Open out the pattern and place it in position at the window to check its proportions .
17 The trip to the countryside enables each working man , woman and child to look down upon Villefranche and place it in perspective .
18 Floors needing strengthening are simply replaced , and because fine old panelling is thought to be infested with every imaginable beetle permission is obtained to strip it out and replace it in replica .
19 Why not just accept experience — why try to understand it and encapsulate it in words which will necessarily have an imprisoning effect upon the insight ?
20 Thus we aim to recruit , appraise , train and challenge them in line with our ambitions — and reward them in line with our results .
21 And do you know we used to pluck them and we used to fry em er fr and fry them in front of the fire .
22 Acknowledge encouragement and assistance from them and support them in return .
23 I simply said that if I had the money and was able to pay my fare and support myself in America , I would accompany him .
24 If the university had been , say , in Vermont , I would have agreed to go and would somehow have found the money to pay my fare and support myself in America — and interpret for Jean-Claude .
25 We welcome the Bill and support it in principle .
26 FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM don the wide brimmed hats and cover themselves in flour for two nights of doom laden entertainment at London 's Town & Country Club on March 29 and 30 .
27 potential groom around and cover him in gloar .
28 We put it to bed in a bowl and cover it in bulb fibre like a blanket .
29 They need to develop strategies to enable the organisation to make the appropriate policy choices and implement them in order to enable the organisation to meet the needs of the environment .
30 Testing machines now exist which have vice-like grips , called ‘ friction grips ’ , so that one can take an ordinary bar of metal , cut off a short length , and break it in tension .
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