Example sentences of "and [det] [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Er and that also envelops the would it be a Friday or would it be a Saturday set up .
2 And that actually includes the policy fee as it was , of two fifty-five , so if you take that out , you 're looking at sixteen pound eighty odd , for sort of , true cost of that cover .
3 You do n't need to write another essay , you just need to acknowledge that you can see a link between the work and that actually makes the work look a l a lot better , a lot more rounded , so that 's a cheap way of getting marks .
4 And that obviously creates the uplift in land values which finances the social structure that would be set in terms of the operational criteria for the new settlement .
5 and that obviously affects the kinds of problems they have with regard to income , benefits , debt problems erm and with regards the kind of things they come in to see us about , things like single payments f for things .
6 And they just happily told me that Oh I just took it up the road for my husband to witness the signature and that totally invalidated the whole will .
7 Alongside 1p 's and 5p 's you will come across plenty of 2p 's and that still leaves the occasional one-pounder lurking amongst the litter .
8 We know that there 's one gipsy site around Wheatley that has been approved by the Oxfordshire County Council and that now awaits the comment of the South Oxfordshire District Councillors .
9 They wear kimonos around the house ; their walls are decorated with fans , and some even learn the language — not just so as to be able to communicate with Koi farmers when they travel to Japan to buy fish , but to embrace the whole culture .
10 The basic LaserWriter set of Times , Helvetica , Symbol and Courier are supported by most of the new generation devices designed to be driven from a Macintosh and some even offer the LaserWriter Plus set .
11 Left again , after the brewery ( where they still have the Porter Tun Rooms , a tun being a big barrel not a weight , though not many people know that ) is Whitecross Street and the Barbican entrance , where many tourists go in and some actually find the theatre or gallery they 're supposed to be going to .
12 Teachers do not , as a breed , read or talk much about education and this presumably reflects the general feeling that ‘ something 's got to go ’ , and that concern with ideas and ideals seems to be one of the areas that is dispensable .
13 Big bucks means long tours , and this either breaks the US or the band .
14 Big bucks means long tours , and this either breaks the US or the band .
15 Many part-time mature graduates are relatively limited to a local labour market rather than a national or international one , and this probably influences the behaviour of both employers and graduates .
16 As their title suggested , they were much more concerned with trade , and this probably reflected the general English attitude inside and outside the government .
17 Roger Smith , a research chemist , made an evaluation of the literature guides in chemistry , and this probably represents the wider attitude of academic staff :
18 Water management is the major part of fishkeeping — but I do have this fantasy about keeping it to the minimum and this partly explains the filtration system I am suggesting , based on a fairly standard undergravel .
19 And this simply shifts the cost of providing that solution to an investment in the people and not the computer hardware .
20 Now , though , I am saying that being reasonable is partly a matter of falling in with the conventions — in time and place — of an intellectual form of life or culture ; and this surely raises the spectre of relativism .
21 Generally , the advice on difficult areas of adjudication was unchallenging and this again suggests the need for an experienced tutor .
22 Down bags have inner and outer shells differentially cut — in other words the inner shell is smaller than the outer and this again ensures the filling achieves maximum loft for better performance .
23 The bridge lasted until just after the war when it was pulled down and this again started the discussion " For the want of a bridge here at Halling " to quote Lambarde .
24 Nature does a neat packaging job with many foods , of course , and this also influences the quantity we normally consume .
25 The heat evaporates the water and this also lowers the temperature .
26 And this just reinforces the ancient sexist perception that the word woman is somehow embarrassing and offensive ( as it was to the Victorians , who associated it with sex and low class status ) .
27 She said : ‘ He has been in a lot of pain and this just puts the lid on it .
28 Unionists held 54 per cent of the English seats , but only 18 per cent of the rest , and this severely limited the recovery from 1906 .
29 In contrast , the majority of schools operate with mixed-ability groupings in the arts , and this undoubtedly reduces the likelihood of this type of difficulty occurring .
30 In Scotland at any rate , the judge will not give any indication of the sentence he has in mind on any particular pleas , and this obviously limits the effect of bargaining .
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