Example sentences of "and [det] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( ii ) In the context of their own writing and that of a range of published writers , pupils should learn that , in evaluating the success of a piece of writing , different criteria need to be applied to different types ; for example , a personal letter may be valued for its warmth and humour , a report for the clarity of its organisation , and so on .
2 But recent reality had also taken its toll : his father 's lamented death , his guitar teacher 's suicide , and that of a cousin ; the presence of his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein , now reduced unhappily to senility in his mother 's house ( at which he would surprise Leonard by encountering him suddenly , in odd moments of clarity , saying , ‘ Oh , yes , you 're the writer , are n't you ? ’ ) created other pressures .
3 It is illuminating to note the difference between the average response to an icon and that of a member of one of the orthodox churches .
4 Comparative size of human brain ( right ) and that of a bottle dolphin Tursiops truncatus ) .
5 In contrast to the similar criterion 1a for whole numbers , there was no difference in success rates between identifying the place value of a column and that of a digit .
6 The pension of a single retired person mainly dependent on state benefits is £58.88 and that of a couple is £101.50 .
7 ‘ I know no difference between this case and that of a mandamus .
8 She had deliberately recorded on film the link her mind had established between her sister 's death and that of a fellow-student of Morpurgo 's twenty years before .
9 The potential of a point charge is given by eqn ( 2.22 ) , and that of a charge distribution by eqn ( 2.24 ) .
10 The analogy was drawn between the efficacy of geomorphic processes and that of a giant , a man and a dwarf attempting to cut down a forest .
11 All Barbara could tell me when she rang this morning was that the police had found Paul 's body and that of a tramp , ’ he paused , ‘ with injuries to their throats . ’
12 There is nothing illegal nor immoral in a club chairman 's demonstration of ball skills but the contrast , in a day , between the image of a shy , reclusive , multi-millionaire property tycoon and that of a terrace tearaway was too sudden to digest .
13 Were this my last hour ( and that of an octogenarian can not be far off ) I would thank God for permitting me to behold so much of the excellence conferred on individuals .
14 Clearly differentiating between your own expertise and that of an expert is a critical executive skill
15 The MD will normally be an executive director , with a contract setting out his or her powers and duties , and terms of employment ; thus the MD has a dual role — that of director and that of an employee .
16 The distinction between the effect of a deed under seal , and that of an agreement by parol , or by writing not under seal , may seem arbitrary , but it is established in our law ; nor is it really unreasonable or practically inconvenient that the law should require particular solemnities to give a gratuitous contract the force of a binding obligation .
17 The parallel between this way of thinking , and that of an engineer designing an air-conditioning system , is obvious .
18 you see I go on fruit and that for a day and all I do the next day is get a terrible cramp in the stomach
19 That is , the critics assert that there is significant inequality between men and women , and that for a woman to be married to a man does not mean that she gains all the privileges that he has access to .
20 In High Javanese the word for a man means " half a woman " and that for a woman means " half a man " ; when a couple are separated , the individuals can be possessed by the energies of their mate .
21 Only music persisted — and that for a winding-sheet .
22 Sleepily goes into spiel about what kind of care would she like , has she chosen a hospital yet , how does she feel generally , this is her first , is n't it , a lot of nonsense talked nowadays about active births and so on , what people fail to realize is that birth is potentially highly dangerous for the mother and the child and that with a bit of foresight and the right equipment it 's possible to etc. , etc. , etc .
23 Its tail began to move this way and that with a faint , swishing noise .
24 At Aldborough , the corridor mosaic displays numerous panels , but especially significant are those of all-over chequers in three colours and that with a band of crowstep pattern which encloses two swastikas .
25 The latest figures show that steady growth continued over the last three months and that as a whole , the economy is growing at a rate of two and a half percent a year .
26 Oh mum me do it , me are gon na do that and that in a minute
27 And that from an Aussie ? ’ she was startled into answering , then went pink when he gave her a look of what she could only describe as approval .
28 ‘ Resorts of ancient history steeped in charm and each with a story to tell . ’
29 High mountains border the north coast , and spaced about eight miles apart are the hamlets of Çokertme , Ören and Akbuk , each in a dramatic setting and each with a restaurant .
30 And other players were using the model at the same time or earlier , some as a bass ( eg. Bob Bogle of The Ventures ) and some as a lead instrument , such as Hank Marvin , Jet 's old colleague in The Shadows .
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