Example sentences of "and [vb pp] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Daughter Alison , 20 , who co-starred with Clint in the thriller Tightrope , went off the rails earlier this year and checked into a drink dependency clinic in Arizona .
2 He kept his secret even from his closest friends and checked into a clinic for an operation under an assumed name .
3 Posing as a Lebanese cocaine buyer , he had flown to Los Angeles with a suitcase full of counterfeit US currency provided by DEA Nicosia and checked into a room booked for him by the DEA at the Sheraton Universal hotel .
4 We had talked our way past the immigration officials in Jakarta , flown to Makassar , and checked into the rotting , former colonial splendour of the only hotel on the waterfront .
5 Dona Marguerita sniffed noisily and spat into a bowl .
6 Henry brushed and spat into the basin , noticing the blood darken the snow-white saliva .
7 This first requires the code to be downloaded from the computer out to a dedicated programming unit and transferred into an EPROM or EEPROM , which is then removed and placed into the module under test .
8 Then the Cid clapt spurs to the mule upon which he rode , and vaulted into a piece of ground which was his own inheritance , and answered , Sir , I am not in your land , but in my own .
9 He longed for rest but knew that he had to keep moving , and hauling on the line , he got his hands on to the taffrail and vaulted into the cockpit .
10 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
11 Quite how it happened he was not sure , but at some point he had slipped and fallen into the canal .
12 Ignition typically required about 1 g of a mixture of sodium borohydride and charcoal , when equal portions of each were mixed together and formed into a pile .
13 But the journey in the guard 's van like lost luggage had exhausted her , so she did n't protest about going straight up with Loopy Lil , being changed into one of Mrs Hollidaye 's pink flannel nightgowns and tucked into a cocoon of pillows with a hot stone bottle wrapped in a worn silk vest at her feet .
14 They were in Hennessey 's in the Strand and tucked into a corner .
15 She looked like a Cossack in jackboot-black sea boots , the skirt of her long dress looped up and tucked into the strap of a gold lamé handbag , the top half of her padded out by a fur-hooded anorak .
16 But he had left me and broken into a trot towards his block .
17 It all started with the idea of re-establishing the archive of the Verein Berliner Kunstlerinnen ( Association of Women Artists in Berlin ) which was destroyed during the second world war and developed into a journey of discovery , which has reached this point with the following achievements : 1200 women artists on record ; many works discovered ; the archive set up ; a profusely illustrated catalogue ( in fact the word catalogue does not give an idea of the range of articles contained in it since it covers the history of women artists in German-speaking countries , to art-business oriented articles , to facets of the history of the association , followed by a chronological development of the association and a full catalogue of the works on show , divided into sections , as they are in the exhibition ) ; a dictionary with short biographies of 1200 artists and 700 friends of art called Kathe , Paula und der ganze Rest — Ein Nachschlagewerk ( Kathe , Paula and the rest of the bunch ! — A Reference Book ) , which has caused something of a stir ; and of course , finally , the exhibition showing the works of 70 of the members and guests of the association over its 125 year life , which includes 250 works loaned by 100 institutions and individuals .
18 Their friendship blossomed when they met again at the funeral and developed into a love that was to stretch across forty years of marriage .
19 In addition to the horses , stag , bison , seals and marine birds scratched and painted into the cave 's surface , the image of a penguin has been detected .
20 As a result , the inert and living organisms were disassembled and scattered into the ether .
21 It was a distinguished face with the deep-set , widely spaced eyes beneath straight brows , a well-shaped , rather secretive mouth and strong greying hair swept upwards and curled into a chignon .
22 Along the crest of this ridge the rock had been exposed in several places , and eroded into a line of towers and pinnacles .
23 After being admitted to hospital where she received treatment for breathing problems , she was said not to need any further treatment ( or was ‘ blocking a bed ’ which is not at all the same thing ) and discharged into a nursing home .
24 Soaring like a sharp wedge , its sandstone rocks have defied the storms of ages but have been split and shattered into a succession of strange pinnacles requiring the skill of rockclimbers to surmount although , by trial and error , walkers can make progress by avoiding the crest of the ridge in places of difficulty , using stony gullies for descent and re-ascent .
25 The book includes 53 etchings of various sizes , each an impeccably composed , finely executed , intricate drawing , bitten and rebitten into a copper plate and then printed by the artist herself .
26 Crawford travelled to New York by himself and booked into the Algonquin Hotel just before Christmas 1966 , tucking into a turkey sandwich and cold tea on the festive day and desperately missing wife Gabrielle and baby Emma , who were staying with Gabrielle 's father on his farm in Kent .
27 He was arrested and booked into the city jail for driving while intoxicated .
28 First , the ‘ true ’ discourse of male authority is defamiliarized by being removed from the present and preterite forms of the indicative and transposed into the future , the conditional , the imperative , and the subjunctive .
29 We were grabbed suddenly and hustled into the dancing light .
30 Thus by the mid-thirties the boundaries of the WEA 's sector of provision were becoming somewhat ragged margins as the other two better-funded and organised providers developed their policies and encroached into the territory of earlier voluntary endeavour .
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