Example sentences of "and [vb pp] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She had packed and checked out of the hotel without seeing either of the two brothers or her cousin .
2 Grigoriev bowed and hastened out of the room .
3 The vast majority of these were hastily-assembled hack jobs , pieced together from published sources and fleshed out with the dubious reminiscences of alleged veterans .
4 Reason had grown wings and flown out of the window , but she knew that she had to recapture it or else give in to him , and live to regret her weakness .
5 He and his friends would have me scoffed and hounded out of the county rather than see my house completed .
6 The work reported in this thesis was sponsored by General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation plc and carried out at the Medical Research Council 's Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge and I thank Alan Baddeley and all at the unit for making the work possible .
7 This was funded by the Van Leer Foundation in the Hague and carried out under the aegis of the Child Development Unit in Bristol University .
8 The research was supported by WACC and carried out by the Centre for Artistic and Cultural Research ( ceneca ) with the aim of encouraging TV networks to carry programmes that would improve the quality of young people 's lives and thereby enhance their contribution to national life .
9 The General Household Survey is conducted annually , and the Family Expenditure Survey and New Earnings Survey are commissioned by government departments and carried out by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
10 The coroner 's jury had even brought in a sensational verdict , that ‘ the murder was organised and carried out by the Royal Irish Constabulary , officially directed by the British Government , and we return a verdict of wilful murder against David Lloyd George , Prime Minister of England … . ’
11 Some of these other forms of treatment — even some that are advised and carried out by the medical profession — are the clinical equivalent of the extraordinarily inhuman ( and ineffective ) previous " treatment " of cancer patients by pulling out all their teeth .
12 The WARM ( Waste As Raw Material ) report was commissioned by the Gateway supermarket chain and carried out by the Land Bank consultancy .
13 And in fact the there , most of the traffic calming is actually being paid for and carried out by the developer for that scheme .
14 The report concluded that substantial financial support should be given to research promoted and co-ordinated by the Home Office and carried out in the Universities and by other agencies .
15 Furthermore , there is a general permission for any development in connection with coal industry activities ( as defined in section 63 of the Coal Industry Nationalisation Act 1946 ) and carried out in the immediate vicinity of a pithead .
16 When she had eventually plucked up her courage and looked out of the window , she had been entranced by the views from the carriage and the speed of travel .
17 Freeing herself from his arms , she picked up the coffee pot and whisked out of the kitchen before he could take hold of her again .
18 The loads are constructed and pushed out of the aircraft by men from the army 's Royal Logistic Corps .
19 Its daring conception , ideal in the highest sense of the word , is based on the purest truth , and wrought out with the concentrated knowledge of a life , its colour is almost perfect , not one false or morbid hue in any part or line , and so modulated that every square inch of canvas is a perfect composition ; its drawing is as accurate as fearless ; the ship buoyant , bending , and full of motion ; its tones as true as they are wonderful ; and the whole picture dedicated to the most sublime of subjects and impressions … the power , majesty and deathfulness of the open , deep , illimitable sea .
20 you see we have to be a bit careful because what happens if we closed down right and transferred out to the field
21 The keeper got up and minced out of the room .
22 He 'd bundled the tack on , and trotted out of the yard trying to make the pony keep up .
23 Thus adjured , Hector jumped off the bed with a short bark and trotted out of the room .
24 The long flats , like the rounds , offer versatility : much colour can be loaded on the brush and drawn out over the painting surface , or shorter dabs can easily be applied and manipulated without the brush hairs giving way .
25 When the explosions eased off a bit , I bade farewell to Pat and got out of the big house as quickly as possible .
26 I was taking out my fury on a bit of practical work last Saturday — painting the front gate posts — and he stopped , and got out of the car and introduced himself .
27 The first two weekends of the 1977 season were for Mario anyway marred by accidents : in Argentina the nose-mounted fire extinguisher exploded , and in Brazil he found himself sitting in a pool of petrol and got out of the car while it was still moving just as his cockpit went up in flames .
28 Dad was not prepared to stand any more and got out of the chair into which he had just flopped .
29 Sean recalled : ‘ I suddenly found myself on the same side as the shark and got out of the water as fast as I could .
30 They had doubled back and got out of the single-leaf door of the car .
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