Example sentences of "and [vb pp] by the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They wandered the savannah during the day , looking for food , and sometimes met and socialised by the lake with other groups of hominids .
2 This was why he was feared and tabooed as the totem , but this was also why he was periodically sacrificed and consumed by the clan brothers in rituals which re-enacted the primal trauma and the occasion of his first emergence as a psychological force of self-restraint .
3 The situation has improved in many ways , but it is not easy to overcome the problems created by natural obstacles and compounded by the legacy of centuries of neglect .
4 The events of 1297 marked a new era in crown and church and in clergy-laity relations , one in which the endowments and incomes of the clergy were increasingly raided by the king and coveted by the laity to meet , above all , the soaring costs of warfare and diplomacy .
5 Once we see that the relationship between a set of explanatory principles and the more specific analyses offered by social scientists must be a reciprocal one we are able to benefit from the fact that , just as social scientific practice is moulded by existing views of explanation , so those views can be refined and altered by the impact of practice .
6 These will be collected and catalogued by the Institute , which will pass on to Merck any promising varieties .
7 In Incredible Era , a book on the corruption of the Harding years in the Twenties , historian Samuel Adams wrote , ‘ A president is measured , weighed and catalogued by the character of his chosen intimates . ’
8 She felt depressed and frightened by the time the shop closed and she was able to go home .
9 These sections will be broken down and explained by the lecturer , and further understood in your reading .
10 The results-seen and heard by the majority of Teesside on TV , radio and the newspapers — proved the journalists had been genuinely impressed by the work of the laboratory .
11 The payment request or invoices from the nominated sub-contractor will be received and checked by the builder and passed to the client 's quantity surveyor at the time of the interim valuation .
12 This valuation will be undertaken by the storekeeper , assessed and verified by management and checked by the auditor .
13 It then had to be tested by training officers and checked by the IPG .
14 They had no house of their own ; only married quarters supplied and furnished by the Army .
15 And yet , she thought , as they picked their way gingerly along under the stooping eaves of the alley that led to the rear of St Chad 's church , to avoid the running kennel thawed and filled by the morning showers , the finger of God had intervened in her life only yesterday , and might again lean down to point out for her an acceptable and fruitful way .
16 Yet another document published by Uzuncarsili is useful for establishing a terminus post quem for Molla Fenari 's return , namely the for Karamanoglu Ali Bey 's Ak medrese in Nigde , written and registered by the hakim of Nigde , Muhammad b .
17 One of the key findings was that for babies born outside marriage and registered by the mother alone — a total of 8% of all births in 1990 — the infant mortality rate was 13.1 ( per 1000 live births ) , 80% higher than that of babies born within marriage .
18 Harassed by creditors , and pressed by the Treasury to render his long overdue chamber accounts , he fled to Hanover , where he attempted to ingratiate himself with the electoral family .
19 He swung the car across the yellow line and stopped by the marble colonnade at the roadside .
20 Her jaw dropped as the woman walked past her and stopped by the car .
21 Tate was clearly surprised and irritated by the request but after a moment or two of hesitation he said : ‘ Very well , if you wish .
22 The bereaved often show signs of ill-health , which is not surprising since they usually feel quite ill in their minds and crushed by the burden of their sorrow .
23 It was distorted and blackened by the heat , but Charles knew immediately what it was .
24 Built from soft Headington stone , and blackened by the soot from college chimneys , it had something of the crumbly , grand appearance of a country house in Ireland .
25 The functions of the district auditor were reviewed by the Layfield Committee ( 1976 ) and revised by the Local Government Finance Act , 1982 .
26 They 're all friendly , and fascinated by the way our dinghies plane past in clouds of spray in the strong afternoon winds .
27 Clustered in the doorway of the stone hut , intent and fascinated by the spectacle before us , we had forgotten our own fighters .
28 He was still amazed and fascinated by the fact of two men being together at all ; he was almost overwhelmed by the idea of two men actually living together .
29 A subfamily of the Ophiacanthidae with well developed disk plates or enlarged disk scales ; the disk sometimes indented interradially and often high ; the radial shields forming part of the disk , often quite long but not bar-like and hidden by the disk plates ; jaws as broad as long ; one apical papilla flanked on each side by up to six oral papillae found in most genera except Ophiocamax and Ophiomitra which have multiple apical and oral papillae ; oral tentacle pore not superficial and without conspicuously modified tentacle scales ; oral shield small to medium in size ; the tentacle pores of the arm not conspicuously large and always armed with at least one tentacle scale ; arm spines usually long , the longest equal in length to at least 2 arm segments .
30 In his semi-final Hartlepool 's Mark Chicocki was disqualified after being given three warnings in the last round for leaning on , a decision booed soundly by the crowd and highlighted by the fact that in following bouts boxers who leaned on just as much were n't even spoken to .
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