Example sentences of "and [vb pp] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We welcomed the shift towards a plan-led system and commented on a number of structure and local plans .
2 South West Surrey Community Health Council , a body responsible for monitoring standards of patient care , also recently confirmed their satisfaction with the service and commented on the professionalism .
3 The subscription rates shall be subject to review from time to time and altered on the recommendation of the Finance Committee with the agreement of the Executive Committee .
4 Every peice like this child 's teaset will need to be photographed and catalogued on a computer .
5 In the foothills of the Clocaenog forest , snugly folded within the pleats of thickly-wooded ground , the camp was invisible from all sides at any distance , covered on one flank by an upland bog , and guarded on the other by a line of outposts .
6 Of the 17,000 demonstrators involved , 1,000 broke away from the agreed route of the march and gathered on the south side of Westminster Bridge , where they were prevented from crossing by a large group of officers .
7 The steward turned and spat on the ground .
8 Any dispensers needed should be fitted and filled on the day of commencement , not before , otherwise they may be misused before their function is known .
9 A bankruptcy petition , put before the court and registered on the court file , can not be withdrawn without the court 's permission , so presentation of this kind of application should not be undertaken lightly .
10 The tank was washed out too , and placed on a layer of polystyrene on the stand .
11 Parsley seedlings can be grown in terracotta pots and placed on a patio , or they can be planted outside .
12 A sample is taken and placed on a microscope slide and stained with coloured dyes which show up different structures in varying colours and shades .
13 This is a destructive method in which leaves are cut and placed on a viewing area .
14 Her condition remained critical and she was sedated and placed on a ventilator .
15 The biopsy specimens were immersed immediately in Dulbecco 's modified Eagle 's medium ( Serva , Heidelberg ) , prewarmed to 37°C , with the mucosal side upwards and placed on a filter paper under a dissecting microscope .
16 The decorations can have a magic theme and large cards can be made and placed on the door with balloons .
17 A referral was received concerning an elderly woman who knew that residential care would be necessary at a future point ; she was assessed in the normal way , and placed on the waiting list .
18 A 64 year old man with bilateral inguinal hernias was seen in a surgical clinic and placed on the waiting list for elective hernia repair .
19 The palm branch was broken and placed on the grave and the cakes and bread distributed .
20 Processing can continue until all possible word matches have been removed from the Agenda and placed on the Chart .
21 The startled midwife was blindfolded and placed on the back of one of the horses and taken through the stormy night to a large house .
22 A naive bee carried to the feeder from the hive and placed on the food source will circle repeatedly after taking on a load of sugar water as if ‘ studying ’ the source , and yet when she returns a few minutes later she will be unable to choose the correct feeder colour .
23 These were made in 1977 and placed on the site of the original stocks to commemorate the Queen 's Silver Jubilee .
24 A tender aquatic of great beauty , usually grown as an annual and placed on the pool when all danger of frost has gone .
25 George had been gently lifted by his father and Bob Lamb and placed on the rug before the fire .
26 Then a body-bag was laid beside the corpse , and what remained of Simon Cormack was gently lifted from where it lay and placed on the spread-out plastic .
27 Any money saved from your family fasting on Fridays may be put into envelopes and placed on the plate at the offertory .
28 The vehicle then careered across the road , down a 4ft embankment and stopped on the beach .
29 He said he saw the boy being thrown through the air on impact , and the car crossed in front of the lorry , mounted the pavement and stopped on the foreshore .
30 Across the road a large grey car suddenly pulled out of the Downshurst-bound traffic and stopped on the grass verge beyond the estate-car and the police busy with tape-measures and notebooks .
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