Example sentences of "and [vb pp] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
2 Tights , which Jane had to pay for herself , were made of thickish cotton and fastened with a coin each side and taped .
3 Eventually , he left it fully wrapped and fastened with a safety-pin .
4 The eco-labelling scheme is voluntary and decentralised with the Commission setting standards through a regulatory committee made up of experts from members states .
5 An aquarium of 36″ × 15″ × 12″ should be provided , and furnished with a layer of coarse ( 10mm ) aquarium gravel , upturned flowerpots for refuges , and a piece or two of bogwood are all that is required
6 Their grandparents had made the lounge into a bedroom so that Grandad did n't have to do the stairs with his bad legs and a bedroom had been turned into a sitting room and furnished with a table , chairs and sideboard that her parents had acquired when they got married though they had no house to put it in .
7 Over the ages , the shallow basin-shaped depression , 45 feet deep at its centre , had been lined with layers of clay , gravel and impervious mud , and filled with a lake of peat .
8 We saw this one item almost as a totemic object , tabooed for our clan , and filled with a spirit of otherness .
9 Fleury , Ford , Burlton , and half a dozen Sikhs , were digging a series of fougasses ( holes dug slant-wise in the ground and filled with a charge of powder and stones ) , again with the intention of preventing the sepoys from converting their retreat into a rout .
10 He drummed on the window with the flat of white , spectral hands — eyes turned to his left , in the direction of the glass doors , and filled with a fear and horror that paralysed Cardiff .
11 As he made his way to work , Martin felt strangely elated and filled with the need to tell someone about his new experience .
12 Eventually the appointment of the Attorney-General ( Thomas Inskip ) was announced and received with a mixture of ridicule and dismay .
13 Sea levels have risen and fallen with the coming and going of the ice ages as they have everywhere else .
14 The driver was then seized from behind and treated with a degree of violence ; the offenders demanded money .
15 Fittings may be left in place and treated with the rest of the interior .
16 Thin sections were cut parallel to the substratum , stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate , and examined with a Jeol 100CXII electron microscope at 80kV .
17 The cells were mounted in Citifluor ( City University , London ) and examined with a Zeiss Universal fluorescence microscope and photographed with Tri-X film rated 400ASA .
18 And even when recognised , mentally acknowledged and examined with the maturity of adulthood , difficult to erase .
19 He swung his legs out of the bed and realised with a shock what day it was .
20 Lissa 's mouth shaped her distaste , and she put her cup down and realised with a start that Adam was saying something .
21 On her way back to the surgery , Sophie glanced at her watch and realised with a start that she had left Joanna on her own for nearly two hours .
22 Nevertheless , the idea of theory may itself need to be theorized and regarded with a measure of scepticism , like other honorific terms in contemporary discourse , such as ‘ politics ’ and ‘ history ’ .
23 This resulted in their reversion to resemble some of their earliest ancestors ( the straight nautiloids ) and squared with the observation that some of the heteromorphs even reverted to simple , wavy sutures again .
24 According to the constitution of the united Germany , acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations , especially to prepare for aggressive war , are unconstitutional and a punishable offence .
25 And [ Molla Fenari " s ] standing rose in [ the sultan " s ] estimation and he occupied the highest place therein and consulted with the sultan in all affairs [ of state ] and became as the vezir …
26 Dieter thrust his hands into his pockets and traced with the toe of one foot the outline of a damp patch on the concrete surround of the pool .
27 Their little boy was registered and baptised with the surname of his father , my son .
28 He looked at young John , now white and shaken with the shock .
29 Citadel : VII , 8 on the other hand , has excellent protection but is long and sustained with the crux right at the top when abseil retreat is both difficult and uninviting .
30 The 7051 Power Network Dataserver , described as a high-performance , high-capacity Network file System server , and developed with the help of Santa Clara-based Auspex Systems Inc , will be available for OEMs from May .
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