Example sentences of "and [vb pp] under [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Her head-dress was old-fashioned , two veils of pleated lawn falling down either side of her heart-shaped face and fastened under the chin by a bejewelled gorget .
2 What evidence there was supported a relatively minor charge under military standing orders and the soldier concerned was charged , found guilty and punished under the powers accorded to the commanding officer .
3 We are primarily concerned in the hotel and catering industry with registered companies incorporated and registered under the Companies Act 1985 .
4 ( 1 ) It is not argued that under English company law , or under the English law of mortgage , a foreign company , that is a company not formed and registered under the Companies Acts , lacks the requisite legal capacity to enter into a debenture secured by a floating charge on property both in England and abroad and conferring a power to appoint a receiver and manager over the whole , or substantially the whole , of its property .
5 Subject of course to the wording of the particular statutory provisions , those general observations are as pertinent to the case of a security granted to a bank by an unregistered company as to a security granted by a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts .
6 The relevant question is therefore : is there any indication in the subject matter and statutory purpose of the provisions concerning administrative receivers generally , or in the Act of 1986 considered as a whole , from which it appears that Parliament intended that the word ‘ company ’ in the context of section 29(2) ( a ) of that Act should not be confined to its prima facie meaning of a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts , but should also embrace unregistered companies liable to be wound up under Part V of the Act of 1986 ?
7 In my judgment , there are indications that the provisions relating to administrative receivers generally apply both to companies formed and registered under the Companies Acts and to unregistered companies liable to be wound up under Part V. The starting point is that the legislative concept of administrative receiver , and the statutory scheme of the provisions relating to his qualifications , functions , powers and duties , all rest on a contractual base , namely , a receiver appointed by or on behalf of debenture holders under a debenture secured by a floating charge .
8 As already noted , the underlying contractual regime is applicable both in the case of a debenture granted by a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts , and in the case of a debenture granted by an unregistered company .
9 Is ‘ company ’ in that context confined to a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts ?
10 This means that the company in question must be formed and registered under the Companies Act 1985 or under the former Companies Acts …
11 My only comment is that , if the position is that the court 's power to appoint an administrator is in fact confined to companies formed and registered under the Companies Acts , it does not necessarily follow that the power to appoint an administrative receiver is similarly confined .
12 I am unconvinced that these provisions , taken singly or cumulatively , show that there is a legislative intention to confine the status of an administrative receiver to a receiver appointed by debenture holders over property of a company formed and registered under the Companies Acts .
13 The head of the ‘ effigy ’ is a wax portrait — Bentham 's own head was removed , desiccated , provided with glass eyes and placed under a glass dome to sit between the feet of the auto-icon ; it , too , is now on public display — a little start-eyed , yet nevertheless recognizable ( Col. 3 ) .
14 Sebokeng was declared an " unrest area " and placed under a curfew on Jan. 13 , as police announced the arrest of 10 men in connection with the incident .
15 The government of the FRG declares that the memorials set up on German soil which are dedicated to Soviet victims of the [ Second World ] War and of the tyranny shall be respected and placed under the protection of German laws .
16 In Britain the tribes of a vast area of the Pennines were brought together under the name of the local deity , Brigantia , as a client kingdom , and placed under the rule of Cartimandua , a powerful but devious queen whose loyalty to Rome never faltered .
17 On sunny days , when she had washed and dressed him , his chair would be taken out and placed under the Stocks Tree where he could watch the people come and go .
18 Though brought to England and placed under the care of Dr Arbuthnot , the foremost physician of the day , who had him christened Peter , he remained inarticulate and half savage .
19 Various branches of the former FDP were demilitarized and placed under the control of the Justice Ministry .
20 This is wheeled by hand and placed under the end of a coach .
21 Once Crim had arrived he would go and see Hob the grave-digger , dying they said after he had slipped and fallen under a cartwheel which had crushed his ribs .
22 Athelstan 's pleasure increased when-he saw that Benedicta , her hair now braided and hidden under a wimple , had a small basket by her side in preparation for their journey to Smithfield .
23 Polished metal looks as smooth and featureless as glass to the naked eye but , unlike glass , it is a crystalline material ; it solidifies as a network of tiny grains which can be seen if the metal is etched with a dilute acid and examined under a microscope ( fig. 5.11a ) .
24 This is peeled off and examined under a microscope .
25 The freshly opened colon was pinned out and examined under a Leitz dissecting microscope by two independent observers .
26 Like moss , they had no roots , but when their stems are carefully prepared and examined under the microscope , they are seen to contain structures that no moss possesses — long , thick-walled cells for conducting water up the stem .
27 So the gun went with him to the country every week , wrapped securely in sackcloth and tucked under the seat of his cart .
28 Meanwhile , says Mr Cameron , almost identical stainless-steel cylinders produced by a German competitor and developed under a government subsidy have been approved by the tüv .
29 Step by step they climbed , and as they ascended , black against the dazzling blue sky and glazed under a shroud of ice , a vast figure began to loom : a helmeted head , a flowing cape , a sword in one hand and a child in the other , and beneath its booted feet , visible as Erika and Karl reached the top of the stairs , a broken swastika , and bearing the whole gigantic figure , a grassy mound .
30 When bottoms itch , fingers scratch , and the microscopic eggs get scraped up and caught under the nails .
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