Example sentences of "and [vb pp] through [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It bubbled and spat through a layer of brown scum that stained the outside of the pan , but it smelt good , almost as good as the dinners Frankie sometimes had at school .
2 The handles themselves are most commonly formed of a plain bronze strip , pierced at the end and riveted through the escutcheon or upper binding strip , allowing the handle to swivel .
3 A lot of teachers jump to conclusions about pupils before they 've even come into contact with them and broken through the pupil 's resentment .
4 Reminder that any notes you would like to appear in this bulletin should be given to Mrs Valerie Belton ( 0869 50405 ) or , FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS , placed in an envelope marked ‘ Bulletin ’ and posted through the letter box of the Parish House .
5 Reminder that any notes you would like to appear in this next bulletin should be given to Mrs Valerie Belton ( 0869 50405 ) or , FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF WEEKS , placed in an envelope marked ‘ Bulletin ’ and posted through the letter box of the Parish House .
6 Drake , on the other hand , the piratical darling of Good Queen Bess , returned from a transglobal raiding adventure with a holdful of Indonesian spices , and paraded through the streets with his crew bedecked in the captured finery of the most astounding oriental silks and damasks ever to have been seen in England .
7 We join a wild circle-dance at the feet of the giggling teenaged bride , who — perched on a chair-is hoisted high on the shoulders of her guests and paraded through the crowd .
8 In view of the terms in which he was later to express his enthusiasm for Wagner , it is interesting to note what it was that first seriously attracted him : nor the morbid metaphysical-flavoured world of romance , the hypnotic emotional intensity and musical " modernity " of Tristan , representing at the time , the high point of Wagner 's most distinctive line of development ; nor indeed the available parts of the similarly " modern " , but emotionally more robust , Ring ; rather , the musically " reactionary " Meistersinger that deferred to traditional expectations of harmony , tonality and musical organization and depicted through the medium of " healthy " comic opera the successful struggle of artistic genius against stifling Hanslickian convention .
9 Depending on their radioactivity , these are either stored on the site for eventual disposal , or diluted and discharged through a pipeline into the Irish Sea .
10 Wrapped or bagged round bale silage is shredded and discharged through a chute on the Teagle Tomahawk feeder .
11 It argued that work is continually de-skilled and degraded through the interaction of technical change and international patterns of capital accumulation .
12 Her body was lifted from the coffin and carried through the dusk across the open fields that then came up to the hospital , to Ferry Beach .
13 When he was just a few weeks old , he was stolen from his mother and carried through the bush to the side of a main road .
14 Under the leadership of the party the working masses constructed the material base for socialism , replaced primitive private farming with collectivized agriculture , and carried through an industrialization programme which astonished and alarmed the bourgeois world .
15 Frankie 's palms were already sticky with perspiration when he crossed the road , ran down West Brook Place and squeezed through a gap in the high brick wall at its lower end .
16 He went back into the garden and squeezed through the bushes at the side of the boathouse .
17 At Place Massena , she entered the gloomy passage to the rue du Bateau , but she did not go to the flat , she turned right and wound through the lanes instead .
18 He clung shivering to the comfortless bed that seemed now the only tenuous security he had , but he was plucked away from it and hustled through the doorway , still bemused with cold and sleep .
19 ’ Doyle went back to the bedroom and sorted through the case .
20 We searched that room for two hours — three of us on hands and knees vacuumed , and sorted through the bag .
21 The dreams were all in a mess on the top , so I got hold of them and put them underneath me to stop them blowing away ( not that there was any wind ) and hunted through the rest .
22 Hunter-Blair bounced his pizza on to a plate and rattled through a drawer for a knife .
23 And rattled through the bead curtain that separated the tiny kitchen from the living area .
24 They never did find Nisodemus again , even though a party of strong-stomached nomes went back much later and searched through the ruts and the mud .
25 On this particular occasion , Sherman saw no collar hanging in the usual spot , and so , after looking carefully , he then walked to the toy shelf ( where the collars are sometimes inadvertently left ) and searched through the toy bins .
26 DULÉ SKIMMED INTO shore silently , under cover of darkness , and threaded through the banana fronds and mango groves to Ariel 's cabin ; a leaf here , a twig there gave under him , but the English sailor posted watch in the clearing was fast asleep and the others would not have woken from their stone weariness if Dulé had hallooed at them .
27 A large feeding tube was inserted into the stomach via a gastrotomy and threaded through the duodenum past the anastomosis .
28 He paid , walked down a dark corridor and pushed through a curtain into a deep pool of sound and flickering light .
29 She stopped the machine , took off her gloves and overalls , did a lot of washing and pushed through the swing doors into the empty Sabbath calm of the shabby corridor .
30 She twisted out of his grasp and pushed through the swing doors .
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