Example sentences of "and [vb pp] in a new " in BNC.

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1 In 1986 I too entered the tomb ; the anthropoid leaden shell was resealed after the 1703 examination and placed in a new rectangular elm shell sans fittings .
2 At other times it is relatively hidden , smoothed over by extensive cultivation , familiarity and the techniques of what Bourdieu calls ‘ legitimation ’ , only to be revealed when constituent elements are wrenched away and placed in a new setting .
3 They are to be replaced with a cheaper type of brick to be covered in a special layer and painted in a new light colour .
4 Church ‘ A' is seven years old and located in a new development area of detached houses .
5 In 1919 , the bells were re-cast and re-hung in a new frame with a treble bell added , making a new peal of six bells , this was part of the memorial of 1914–18 war .
6 It is the only genre that was born and nourished in a new era of world history and therefore it is deeply akin to that era , whereas the other major genres entered that era as already fixed forms , as an inheritance , and only now are they adapting themselves — some better , some worse — to the new conditions of their existence .
7 We will demolish the roof structure and put in a new rsj .
8 But when she had washed her hair and dressed in a new pair of designer jeans and a silk shirt that had been a Christmas present and which she 'd never worn before — it was n't to Eva 's house that she went but back down into the town , towards the theatre and the Franz Joseph .
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