Example sentences of "and [vb pp] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the commission accepts that since the simple offence would cover deliberate foolishness which caused cost and inconvenience but which did not damage property or seek dishonest gain , the penalty should be modest and limited to a maximum of three months ' imprisonment .
2 An executive President would be head of state ; holders of this office would in future be elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
3 The head of state is the executive President , elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
4 Before doing so all offers received should be examined and explained to the client with a recommendation as to which offers to proceed with .
5 It is rolled into a pellet and fastened to the end of the needle and lit so that it smokes .
6 It is evident that the prosecuting authorities also had in mind to prosecute the applicant for implication in some of Mr. Turner 's offences , but a decision was taken in 1988 , and communicated to the applicant 's solicitors , that proceedings would be put back until after the B.M.F.L. trial .
7 Also , because as served in 99 out of 100 Chinese restaurants , they would arrive sticky with grease and boiled to a hue of nauseously vivid waxy-yellow .
8 ( SCENE : A huge golden tub , studded with emeralds and filled to the brim with the tears of baby narwhals .
9 Although a licensing board may resolve to call for the production of plans under the subsection in respect of a number of existing licences , a separate requirement must be recorded and intimated to the licence holder in respect of each licence separately .
10 Although the licensing board may resolve to call for the production of plans under this section in respect of a number of existing licences , a separate requirement must be recorded , and intimated to the licence-holder , in respect of each licence separately .
11 For each of these problems a problem report will be entered into the computer system and assigned to the Computer Group Manager .
12 For a period of six months in British Airways all personnel and training staff were taken away from their normal duties and assigned to the task of helping with the process of change .
13 In September 1944 , as the Red Army advanced into Belorussia , Domanov 's Cossacks had been moved across Europe and assigned to an area around Tolmezzo in northern Italy , then under the control of Italian partisans .
14 The two birds had now broken loose from each other and withdrawn to the vicinity of their respective cages .
15 Rocktron have noted this and vaulted to the rescue by producing the rather obscurely titled Bass mAxe .
16 In places the accumulated plaster of years , too heavy to bear its own weight , had cracked and crumbled , and fallen to the ground before her brush like broken china .
17 The word originated as a marketing term from Germany and referred to a type of board that was easier to control in strong winds than the earlier boards .
18 It used the phrase ‘ 60 secs allowed ’ and referred to a sensor where the money was to be left .
19 Bourne reached for his copy of the case file and referred to the index .
20 According to Pliny , the name was derived from bos ( cow ) , and referred to the supposition that boas slithered between farms , sucking whole herds of cattle dry before eating them .
21 The matter was discussed and referred to the council 's working party for investigation .
22 The petition , which was presented both to the king and the College of Physicians and referred to the archbishop of Canterbury , alleged that Chamberlen had pecuniary interests in keeping midwives ignorant so that he could take on their difficult cases .
23 In May 1991 the government outlined a new set of proposals on human rights and referred to the need ‘ to eliminate every form of excess by the security forces in fulfilment of their duties , and to punish those responsible . ’
24 They protested their innocence , and referred to the fact that no charges had been brought against them .
25 Paisley and I issued a joint statement spelling out that the authorities had made inaccurate claims about the shooting and referred to the information in the forensic report .
26 This does not apply if the parties agree that the vehicle is not to be used in the condition in which it is when sold , and a document to this effect is signed by them and given to the buyer at the time of delivery .
27 Ferry himself would probably tell you that in it 's search for perfection , the motor industry has taken from the driver and given to the machine .
28 In his will , made as a parishioner of St Olave Jewry , London , dated 7 January , and proved 28 February 1633 , he made monetary bequests to his four daughters and two sons , allowed the use of his professional papers to his apprentices , and gave a two-volume book of statutes to ‘ my noble friend Sir William Paddy [ q.v. ] … to be by him put and given to the library of St John 's College in Oxford ’ .
29 An 84 acre commercial conifer woodland near Exmoor has been bought by Paul McCartney and given to the League Against Cruel Sports as a sanctuary against hunting .
30 They had then returned to Weymouth and diverted to the crematorium , where Heather had left the car just long enough to take a photograph .
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