Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To achieve this they employed strategies similar to those used by schoolteachers and referred to by Hargreaves ( 1975 ) as ‘ the liontamer ’ , ‘ the entertainer ’ and the ‘ new romantic ’ .
2 It was clear to me that his own personal preoccupations , such as had been conveyed to me by Father D'Arcy and hinted at by others , had cut him off from the workings of certain institutions — his unawareness of Collingwood 's preferment was a case in point — and again he wanted to be informed what the young were thinking .
3 At a convivial get-together one evening the company was joined and mingled among by Mr Big 's Billy Sheehan and Paul Gilbert , both confirmed Ampeg fans .
4 Many of the goats described in the 30 or so scientific studies that have since been published on the phenomenon ( the earliest in 1904 ) can be traced to those bred and cared for by Mayberry .
5 The contents will be owned and cared for by Leeds City Art Gallery who will undertake a programme of cataloguing and aim to make the collection more widely known .
6 The St John 's Hospital allows a glimpse of early health care , with mock-ups to show how the patients were housed in rows of wooden cots , and cared for by nuns and friars .
7 In general I thought the campaign was well presented and dealt with by Media Action given the shortness of time they had to prepare the sketches and the associated scripts .
8 Wills were normally made shortly before death , as many a shaky signature can testify ; some people left it so late that they could only make an oral statement ( or nuncupative will ) , which was written down and sworn to by witnesses .
9 And now " The Meeting having given due consideration to the want of a regular and resident Surgeon in the Island , and conceive that such a person is much wanted , and they know that in general the practice and payments to a medical person is inadequate to support him in decency , and although a liberal subscription was opened and entered into by individuals still the supply would be scanty and unequal to the support of an educated person and a gentleman .
10 The most important expression of this view was the development in many countries of a broad political consensus , embracing the major parties of both left and right , and subscribed to by trade unions and employers ' associations .
11 Like pot-bellied Vietnamese pigs , the goats are fast becoming trendy pets , changing hands at up to $1,000 a time and catered for by groups like the International Fainting Goat Association ( newsletter : Fall in Love With Fainters ) and the Tennessee Fainting Goat Association .
12 Before long , there was a new interest and activity in Dada 's life — an interest provided and paid for by Aunt Tossie , who had once divined how the extravagant purchase of the Bentley and the Purdey guns might , in some practical way , alleviate the loss of her wicked sister , his Love and Life ; would at any rate restore something to his self-esteem .
13 The FCC 's decision to choose an HDTV standard through a neutral technical competition run and paid for by equipment makers , broadcasters and programme makers has been vindicated .
14 If you have to stay away overnight you can arrange for accommodation to be found for you and paid for by ES .
15 There were , therefore , two competing ideas for the finance of hospitals and community services — contracts set and paid for by districts and contracts set and paid for by GPs .
16 There were , therefore , two competing ideas for the finance of hospitals and community services — contracts set and paid for by districts and contracts set and paid for by GPs .
17 The journey , arranged and paid for by Baron Grimm , was by the slowest means necessitating lengthy stops , where Mozart had to pay living expenses .
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