Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 Typically , tradition weighs heavily on us : curriculums are organised and taught in the way that we have always done it .
2 They 're all friendly , and fascinated by the way our dinghies plane past in clouds of spray in the strong afternoon winds .
3 This in turn makes the parents feel unhappy about being a burden , and not being loved and respected in the way they had expected .
4 And there are readers who have been deeply moved and impressed in the ways that we have described by books that can not be described as the best of anything .
5 As with the official curriculum , much has been researched and written on the ways teacher-pupil interaction can be different for boys than for girls , and a brief initial summary will suffice .
6 Furthermore , many women teachers indicated that they had difficulty gaining promotion within the school ( see Burgess ? 1988a ) and talked about the ways in which they experienced sexism and oppression in their day to day work .
7 On appeal , this assumption could be shown to be false and the village ends up with a significant new development site ; it is this type of appeal decision which leaves the layman surprised and frustrated at the way in which the system operates .
8 Lucy sat , her hand over her eyes , and thought about the way her life was heading .
9 You are popular , successful , attractive and contented with the way your life 's developing .
10 The actors made the play very exciting and left everybody astounded and intrigued with the way they performed and to add to this the stage really set the scene with the back drops and props .
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