Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Travelling accommodation seems to have been very casual and limited for JTR on occasion , more like hostelling .
2 The plaited bamboo walls curled tightly round a stout frame of beech poles , cut and stripped by Rima with the big bush knife he had brought up from the trade-store when Joseph had run down to tell him the news .
3 It was following immediately upon this that , on 10 September , Leslie wrote to me excitedly about a small enemy landing — a fact that was finally denied , and explained by Attlee in Parliament only in 1946 .
4 The doctor came , and arranged for Esther to be re-admitted to the gynaecological ward of the hospital so that she could continue nursing the baby , if possible .
5 Becker and Engelman combined only for a pleasantly smoochy encore by David Jaeger , composed this year and arranged by Engelman from a piano accompaniment to the viola .
6 Two parties were created with official approval in October 1989 [ see p. 36968 ] and registered in May as part of the government 's close management of the reintroduction of civilian political structures : the National Republican Convention ( NRC — Chief Tom Ikimi ch. ) , and the Social Democratic Party ( SDP — Baba Gana Kingibe ch . ) .
7 By November of that year Henry the Lion had been defeated and banished from Germany for three years .
8 They were bodies whose chemistry accorded closely with the Thatcher style , like the ministerial group Mrs Thatcher had convened and stacked against Heseltine in the aftermath of the 1981 riots .
9 turned to the question of knowledge in the creditor of undue influence and referred to Bainbrigge v. Browne , 18 Ch.D. 188 and the classic statement of the law by Fry J. , at pp. 196–197 :
10 Treaty to comply with the principle of non-discrimination , and referred to Klensch v. Secrétaire d'Etat à l'Agriculture et à la Viticulture ( Joined Cases 201/85 , 202/85 ) [ 1986 ] E.C.R. 3477 .
11 Janet 's marrow sample was flown to Oslo and given to Mona in a blood transfusion .
12 The throne is thought to have been made in Constantinople and given by Justinian to his viceroy Maximian .
13 640 he stood sponsor to King Cynegils at his baptism and joined with Cynegils in giving Dorchester-on-Thames to the missionary bishop , Birinus ( HE 111 , 7 ) ( see above , p. 48 ) .
14 Kuwait was invaded and annexed by Iraq in August , a move which in January 1991 led to the outbreak of war and in late February to the defeat and expulsion of Iraqi forces from Kuwait .
15 ( Van , 1896 ) On his return to England my father was appointed to the Consular Service and posted to Taranto in southern Italy , where he served for two years .
16 Over dinner he gave an enthralling account of the entire mission , their excitement at penetrating the Flow undetected , matched only by their relief at finding the way out , and of how on reaching home waters they had been cheered into Wilhelmshaven by the rest of the German fleet and flown to Berlin for a celebratory banquet with Hitler .
17 Before Reflexology was researched and developed in America in the 1930s , work on reflexes of the feet had been carried on in China for thousands of years .
18 ‘ All the transactions of goods loaded and off-loaded at Strasbourg in the last ten days . ’
19 Discovered by mining companies in 1971 and drilled by BGS in 1976 .
20 The Brazilian , Pele , described the Englishman 's performance in the group match between the two countries , played at Guadalajara and won by Brazil with the only goal of the game , as ‘ one of the best we will see in the championship . ’
21 As a consequence of the creation of the new presidency , Gorbachev 's former post of Chairman of the Supreme Soviet was restyled , effectively being restored to the function of parliamentary Speaker ( the post had served this function prior to becoming a de facto executive presidency and occupied by Gorbachev in May 1989 — see pp. 36486 ; 36659 ) .
22 We are sending you Hurtard our serjeant , to cause oaks to be cut down in the said forest and carried to Winchester against Christmas , for our hearth .
23 The alternative economic programmes of the Industrial Union and of the loosely allied Civic Union [ see p. 38974 ] were published before the conference , and reported in Izvestiya of Aug. 12 and July 23 respectively .
24 Although born and educated in Vienna in 1931 he was appointed Tooke Professor of Economic Science in London University where he remained until accepting a Chair of Social and Moral Sciences at the University of Chicago in 1950 .
25 No more is heard of him after this , although Kympton was acting as agent for the commissioners of the sick and wounded at Plymouth in 1703 .
26 Once the T-bar drag-lift had been invented and installed in Davos in 1934 , it was possible to get to runs , which had previously taken a twenty-minute climb to reach , in half a minute .
27 They put their trust in a military solution to right the wrong that had been done in 1688 , and looked to France for help .
28 Up until then , the Mason , who had jumped from in front of the stage on to it , had gibbered indecisively and looked to Garvey for salvation .
29 The former is global and one where Brazil 's industry is exclusive to the multinationals : the latter is much more local and dominated in Brazil by indigenous entrepreneurs .
30 Gomez had recovered and sat beside Trent in the cockpit , solemn-faced .
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