Example sentences of "and [vb pp] [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One member of the audience thought that he was Sam Waterston or vice versa and commented on how much he had aged .
2 The caravan interests , on the other hand , argued the case for recognition of caravanning as an acceptable way of life and pressed for more positive approaches by the local authorities .
3 After twenty-eight days they would be taken out , washed and packed in hogsheads , and pressed for about ten days .
4 Gleizes and Metzinger , themselves painters , and fascinated by purely formal pictorial problems , also began by seeing abstraction as the logical end , although they rapidly retreated and admitted the need , for the moment at least , of a certain coefficient of realism : ‘ … the painting imitates nothing and … must justify its existence in itself …
5 Therefore great reliance in these studies is placed on the excavated sites of Pompeii , Herculaneum and Ostia where , due largely to natural causes , the site was abandoned , preserved , not rebuilt and excavated in more modern times .
6 it had been a great patrol during which we had made a lot of new friends , carried out a great deal of work en route and broken into completely new territory for the cutters .
7 A similar chronology can be seen at Wroxeter , whereas as at Leicester the Forum is Hadrianic and completed in AD 129 ( Atkinson , 1942 ) , the baths were not in use until the Antonine period , although there are definite traces of an earlier public building ( Kenyon , 1940 , 189 ) , but its date and function are by no means certain .
8 Ideas for investigations can normally be generated and developed from almost any mathematical activity .
9 But because they are listed , many of the more badly deteriorated buildings and terraces can not be demolished and rebuilt with more modern structures — and are left empty , because the zoo does n't have the funds available to repair them .
10 That is , falling in love is regulated and constrained by very powerful social factors : the odds against HRH Prince Edward falling in love with Elsie from the Tesco supermarket are very high indeed .
11 Any higher and we would have been on the bloody roof , and squeezed into rather mean , dark garrets .
12 Infant formula was not only expensive and inferior to breastmilk but was downright dangerous when fed to babies unsterilized and mixed with inevitably polluted water .
13 The earliest forms of writing were developed by and confined to very limited specialist ( usually official ) groups ; they were later somewhat extended in continued urban development and in merchant trade .
14 The Harvester , Boxer , and Chieftain Vases and the Peak Sanctuary Rhyton are all made of a close-grained black steatite and decorated with highly detailed reliefs showing ritual scenes ( Figure 56 ) .
15 In fact , by then Reagan had served a valuable apprenticeship in the communications industry and had completed two terms as governor of the most populous state in the union with a GNP comparable to that of Canada and exceeded by only six national economies .
16 The measurement of success as a factor of control must be clearly established and related to either predetermined criteria or a performance measure which is well known .
17 Once , ‘ thought ’ was considered to be housed entirely in the brain and related to purely physical responses to stimuli .
18 On Borichill Mor , NR307652 , a horse shoe shaped burnt patch was found and dated to about 1745 BC .
19 In the antique firearms section there was a pair of pistols fitted with a detonating system which used fulminate and dated from about 1809 ; there was an intriguing possible English royal connection and this , together with their unusual detonation , helped them sell at £5,000 .
20 ‘ First , an increased environmental awareness has led customers to call for products that are energy efficient and made with environmentally friendly materials .
21 ‘ Debt ’ , with its overtones of fault and defaulting , embarrassment and mismanagement , gradually changed into the more significant ‘ overindebtedness ’ — though , of course , newspaper subs hung on to the monosyllabic short word which fitted more easily into headlines and made for more racy reading in the copy .
22 The prints were large and made by strongly fortified boots .
23 Or use a section of garden hose slit lengthwise and secured with either strong wire or Jubilee clips to make a temporary repair .
24 Or does it mean that the problems of environmental degradation are being magnified and transferred to hitherto uncompromised regions ?
25 Lincolns flew with a full bomb load and operated at relatively low levels , sometimes down to 500ft if the weather was unsettled .
26 As Julia began to work the room , she realised that the house had been designed and built for just this sort of occasion : it was planned for servants to run .
27 As regards the salaries of the U S A we 've read and seen about so many companies that pay sky-high for v various salaries and other schemes , we do n't want that in this country but we do want a degree of evenness and I would repeat as somebody has already said , that your salary has gone up fifty six percent which is very , very high .
28 The minute Dwarf Rasbora is a gem when maintained in soft acid water conditions and fed with suitably small live foods .
29 But as this show reveals , Monet 's ambitions were complex and far-reaching , and fed by very much more than what his eye saw .
30 A vanishing ! ’ they exclaimed , hearing the nacarena 's voice pour through the pulled blinds from the house marked with black crosses and hung with newly dyed banners of death ; women 's voices , giving birth to the eternal soul , were louder than the priest 's obsequies , the relatives ' rosaries , and the lullabies they sang after the first birth , the entry into the mortal transit .
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