Example sentences of "and [vb past] back in [art] " in BNC.

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1 She unlocked the door and got back in the shower .
2 She hailed it , gave the Chinese driver her address in a monotone , and sank back in the air-conditioned interior , staring at the white skyscrapers below .
3 Inside-right John Jackson , 23 , came from Clyde for £1,000 , one of Leeds ' largest outlays , and Fred Blackman , described by the Yorkshire Post as ‘ possibly the most stylish and polished back in the Second Division ’ , was bought from Huddersfield Town .
4 For a fleeting moment , she wondered if the woman might have given her deliberately wrong directions but , shrugging the thought away , she started the car and turned back in the direction from which she had just come .
5 The Thames barges , built of living wood that gave and sprang back in the face of the wind , were as much at home as anything on the river .
6 Uncle Wafter heaved a sigh and slumped back in the chair , his hand covering his eyes .
7 Faye made a face and slumped back in the passenger-seat .
8 ‘ Well , how about that , ’ he said and , turning his head in the direction of the preacher , he shouted , ‘ Hallelujah , ’ then he winked at Nathan , as if they were in this together , and fell back in a heap and shut his eyes .
9 Walter sighed and lay back in the chair .
10 After a while Father Poole straightened up with a groan and lay back in the chair .
11 I swung my feet up on the desk and lay back in the chair .
12 They were half-way to the car when she found she 'd left something behind and went back in a flurry of carrier bags and magazines .
13 He raised his eyes from the paperwork on his desk and leant back in the chair , a lazy grin on his face .
14 Her hair parted at the centre and scraped back in a pony tail , Mara was there as usual , fussing over her regulars , but still the very soul of discretion .
15 Schellenberg turned up the collar of his greatcoat and leaned back in the corner pulling the peak of his cap over his eyes .
16 He shrugged , picked up his own cup and saucer and leaned back in the chair with them balanced on the arm .
17 So the bit was taken out of his mouth and put back in the proper place , and Wendy continued to calmly trot him around with the other horses ; and Huckleberry kept putting his tongue over the bit again , and again , and again .
18 Piers wiped his mouth with the napkin and relaxed back in the chair , surveying her through dark , thick lashes .
19 They have been left behind by the economic restructuring of the 1980s , shunted off on a branch line of history and left back in the twilight of the 1970s along with flares and skinheads , a time when demagogues made last-ditch efforts to salvage working-class pride and channel it in a fascist direction .
20 Katherine blurted out the memorized address and sat back in the comfortable warmth of the car .
21 She felt very conscious of his presence , and it was with relief that she completed her task and sat back in the chair .
22 ‘ Good , ’ he said with forced cheerfulness , and sat back in an attempt to enjoy the entertainment .
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