Example sentences of "and [vb past] me [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 P : I was coming home from a party with Robert Mitchum drinking cider when one of Shane 's gang came out and stabbed me in the arm … ( goes on for about ten more pages — Freudian Ed )
2 He smiled too , and stabbed me in the gut with the gun-barrel hard enough to make me suck in my breath .
3 Ryan stopped and clapped me on the shoulder .
4 They laughed and clapped me on the back and handed the container round the circle again .
5 Ralemberg smiled , sheathed his dagger and clapped me on the shoulder .
6 He laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
7 Benjamin grinned and clapped me on the shoulder .
8 They laughed and clapped me on the shoulder .
9 He grasped my elbow and led me through the hallway and into a long room knocked through the whole length of the house .
10 Then the old lady took me firmly by the arm and led me into the bathroom .
11 And her white Reeboks screeched at the marble as she turned and led me to the waiting forms .
12 She frowned for a moment , then picked up my hand and led me to the window .
13 But he raised his left hand again , this time to silence me ; took my arm and led me to the edge of the colonnade .
14 One of my colleagues , no doubt swayed by the heat of the discussion , turned on me sitting in my short-sleeved uniform shirt , and rebuked me with the warning that ‘ in my force , you 'd be disciplined for mutilating police property …
15 She leaned in and pecked me on the lips .
16 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
17 Pahdra Singh mounted the pavement in his Bentley this morning and pinned me to the window of the Wimpy Bar .
18 I taught her a new move and she practised it on me but she missed and got me in the and I fell on the ground .
19 He caught me around the waist and flung me to the floor .
20 On the climb-out at 100 ft there was a loud explosion and a lump of metal attached to a control wire whipped round and caught me in the groin .
21 Richard played me their record and invited me to the end of recording party .
22 Father spun round , took three steps towards me and smacked me on the ear .
23 He pushed his horse nearer and grasped me by the arm , his long dark face , usually solemn , wreathed in smiles .
24 Instead of joining the press of bodies that jammed up the aisle towards the crush bar , he took my arm once again and drew me in the opposite direction .
25 There was a bit of head-scratching as they pushed , squeezed and levered me into the passenger seat : ‘ The biggest bloke yet ’ .
26 She had been a major influence in my life , and helped me through the rough patches .
27 You 've given me my breakfast , left my lunch on the kitchen table , cleaned the house and helped me down the stairs .
28 They hurried into the room and bundled me into my clothes and stretchered me into the garden .
29 The feeling of numb unreality persisted and anaesthetised me through the arduous business of identifying the body and making the necessary arrangements .
30 He said as much when he got up and drove me to the airport . ’
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