Example sentences of "and [vb past] up the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He lapsed into a sullen silence as the cab left the confines of the airport terminal and cruised up the turnpike onto the freeway .
2 At last the cabby climbed up to his seat and whipped up the horse .
3 A little way along , Vern stopped and sat on the very same wall and gazed up the gorge , like I 'd done , at the high flying bridge .
4 Sailing on the night on 26 December — the day Colonel Harrison 's men landed in the Lofoten Islands — the Vaagsö force met the submarine HMS Tuna on station as their navigation check at 0700 hours off Vaagsfjord and steamed up the fjord between spectacular snow-covered hills glinting in the dark .
5 She put her nose high in the air and stalked up the garden .
6 She riddled the dust and made up the fire and said , ‘ You two make friends time that 's cooked .
7 They leaped down and charged up the shore , yelling triumphantly .
8 As Alcuin looked back from the high days of his own collaboration with Charlemagne , which also involved his many pupils who became bishops and abbots , he obviously saw a model of this relationship at the York of his younger days , when Eadbert ruled Northumbria while his brother Egbert was archbishop of York and built up the cathedral library .
9 The Emperor Frederick Barbarossa ( d. 1190 ) had established the German monarchy and built up the power of the emperor in the north to a hitherto unparalleled degree .
10 They brought in the horses , hobbled them and built up the fire .
11 At a time when Japanese cars were a joke , his faith and perseverance founded the Nissan dealerships and built up the business .
12 The conductor pushed the door open and peered up the train to see that others were doing the same .
13 In fury , Richmann threw Carrefour aside , and snatched up the gun which had skittered across the floor .
14 It was her ‘ wait ’ and she sped down the stone staircase ahead of the lumbering old man and snatched up the receiver .
15 Before she could finish her sentence , Charles had stepped briskly across the room and snatched up the receiver .
16 He said , ‘ Sorry , ’ and snatched up the receiver .
17 Kath heard her feet hurrying away , and snatched up the stethoscope .
18 Coughing blood and phlegm , he raised his voice and shouted up the staircase into the sounds of the storm and the destruction .
19 With his left hand he tore open the tunic of his uniform and drew up the undershirt , baring the flesh .
20 You can read in The Spectator of two hundred and sixty years ago that the streets of London were not safe at night because of the Mohawks , gangs who terrorised London and beat up the Watch , who tarred and feathered innocent citizens .
21 Most of the front row jumped to their feet and fled up the aisle away from the danger .
22 Reluctant to brave the corridor again in case the conspirators emerged and caught her , she turned sharply and fled up the tower stairs , just one thought uppermost in her mind .
23 John Hales of Coventry , a bitter opponent of enclosures , wrote in 1549 that the bulk of them had occurred before the accession of Henry VII , and the Italian historian Polydore Vergil ( probably writing about 1530 ) , said of the proceedings of 1517 , that for half a century or more previously , sheep-farming nobles had tried to find devices to increase the income of their lands , and that to this end they had destroyed dwelling-houses and filled up the land with animals .
24 Over at Robinsgrove , finding no water to hose down the ponies , Perdita put them in their boxes and , having given them their hay nets and filled up the water buckets from the water trough , raced off to Dancer 's for a swim .
25 The creditors had come from every corner of the globe and filled up the ballroom of the Sheraton Hotel in Toronto with their lawyers and advisers .
26 OK , I often employ builders on the basis that they 've got an honest face only to find they 've nicked my buckets , added unnegotiated noughts on to their invoices and buggered up the plumbing but …
27 ‘ Having ignored the demand side and played up the supply side , Niskanen has unbalanced his theory ’ ( Jackson 1982 , p. 132 ) .
28 The other night when I got in , he told me to put my feet up , gave me a G and T and dished up the dinner he 'd slaved over .
29 It had made the Marchese a small fortune when he sold it to the deputy of the English connoisseur in Naples who was going to ship it away in boxes ; it was being stripped from the walls when the Government heard of it and came and sealed up the villa again , but not before one of the intermediaries had sliced enough off the top of the deal to pay his passage to America , promising to send after him for his family .
30 After the violent conditions that erm we think occurred in the early life of the earth and injected energy and churned up the atmosphere and formed the prebiotic molecules , we find that just those same molecules are actually in the clouds in space , and these clouds are the basic raw material from which stars and plants form in the first place , so we might ask the question could they have got into the earth 's atmosphere without this intermediate process , and I think there are mechanisms whereby these molecules can accrete into the earth 's atmosphere , and it certainly suggests that we should look at thse and certainly not be taken as a foregone conclusion that the Uray/Miller experiments are the only mechanism whereby the prebiotic soup was formed .
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